Author Topic: Infrared Mod  (Read 1398 times)

Offline cheater99

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Infrared Mod
« on: October 21, 2010, 01:43:56 PM »
Hi there,

Wondering if anyone has ever attempted to modify the transmit iR bulb on the PSP to increase the range?

There seems to be very little info about it around, other than it supports IrDA

After removing the metal casing from the iR assembly (images below are before this), I was *hoping* that each bulb was going to be a separate component, but it wasn't :/ Does anyone know if the component houses a controller?

I'm hoping not but 8 legs on the component suggests otherwise?

The right bulb is TX, left is RX (referring to second pic where right is the side closest to the label IC1003)

Failing replacing/adding another bulb, I'll add small mirrors either side of the bulb to increase the focus of the beam, but would rather not do it this way.

Any help appreciated :)

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Re: Infrared Mod
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2010, 02:56:29 PM »
IrDA is kind of a dead technology, it was only on the 1000 series and was never implemented as far as I know.  I am not sure what you would be able to controll at range with your PSP, but if you make your LEDs too intense they will be able to damage your eyes and you wont even see it coming.

the module on the PSP is a transceiver similar to this:

It is an all in one package and hacking it to add more powerful LEDs is not an option.

Another consideration is that you will need to perform this type of hack on both the devices you are using to communicate unless all you are doing is transmitting.

good luck with you modding, but I am not sure what you are going to do as a hardware mod to an IrDA module.  There are plenty of software mods i could think of tho.

Offline cheater99

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Re: Infrared Mod
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2010, 10:50:27 PM »
I understand that the technology is pretty much dead. It's only transmit that i want to increase, I have no use for the receiver part.

Seein as I'm going to be unable to replace the bulb, I'll look into focusing the beam instead. Or maybe I'll find another similar module with more powerful LEDs.



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