Author Topic: Good news johnny, you don't need those glasses any more  (Read 1255 times)

Offline frenulem - No.5417

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Good news johnny, you don't need those glasses any more
« on: October 06, 2010, 02:07:44 PM »
On Monday Toshiba announced that it has created the first LCD TV that can create 3D images without the need for glasses, they are calling it the ‘Regza GL1 series’.

Using a tech that's close to the Nintendo 3DS the larger of the two TVs Using a cell processor, this is also used in the PS3, to produce the images.

The viewers however are going to have to sit in a specific area to get the 3D affect, even though this is a limitation it is still a step forward, but one of the major hurdles is with the current state of the global economy will people buy them? And if they do, will it replace 2D TV?

The two TVs I mentioned earlier are: the 20GL1 with a 20-inch screen, and the 12 GL1 with a you guessed it 12-inch screen.
“They use an integral imaging system and a perpendicular lenticular sheet to display smooth images. Toshiba's image processing technology creates nine parallax images from the original content and renders them in 3D. Both have high-definition LED backlit LCD panels created for 3D capability without glasses.” (I did copy paste that, i only just grasp it but i seemed important so i put it in.)

Although it may be small screens and a limited viewing area, it is still a step forward in the tech, so hopfully it will get bigger screen and larger viewing area.


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Re: Good news johnny, you don't need those glasses any more
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2010, 03:12:38 PM »
see, people need to wait for the 3d to develop. spending thousands of dollars on 3D tv's and glasses at this time is a waste. Its like buying a dreamcast (a tech before its time, and quickly outdated) It will only be a matter of time before of time before the other companies jump ship and then once the viewing image issues are resolved, we will see another shift, I have a 55" LED LCD backlit (look it up) 240hrz tv with 5 hdmi (lol I did alot of research 5 months ago when I replaced my tv) and it will suit me fine for the next 3-4 years for the whole 3D thing to settle down.

Offline frenulem - No.5417

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Re: Good news johnny, you don't need those glasses any more
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2010, 12:03:37 AM »
haha that sounds like an awesome tv, i want one


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