Author Topic: HV Photoshop Tutorials: 1.1 - Designing Your First Signature  (Read 2555 times)

Offline HiddenVenom

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HV Photoshop Tutorials: 1.1 - Designing Your First Signature
« on: October 10, 2010, 06:30:35 AM »
In this tutorial, you are going to create your first signature in Photoshop, with a simple design, and your name placed on it.

This is the PSD file for this tutorial: Link

Step 1

Create a New File. Set the width to 500 and the height to 125.

Step 2

Rename 'Layer 1' to 'Background'.

Step 3

Fill the Background Layer with black.

Step 4

Create a New Layer and rename it 'Foreground'

Step 5

Pick out three colours on the colour picker that are similar to each other. I will use a dark blue, light blue, and a turqoise.

Step 6

Select the Brush Tool, pick your first colour, and then select the Soft 500 px Brush.

Step 7

Single Click with the brush slightly off-centre.

Step 8

Choose your second colour, and this time pick the 300px Soft Brush. Single Click to the top-right or top-left. Then choose your third colour, and repeat for the bottom of the image.

Step 9

Now you are ready to add some text. Choose a font that you like (preferably sans-serif) and place it in the centre of the image. Your text should be black or white, whichever looks better.

Step 10

Finished! You can now go on to the next tutorial, or continue with this piece in its following parts :)


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