Author Topic: PS3 slim BluRay not working?  (Read 1894 times)

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PS3 slim BluRay not working?
« on: October 12, 2010, 06:56:43 PM »

Hello guys I have a friends slim PS3 that his kids used as a piggy bank. :(
The question is I have the unit open and hooked up but the BD drive does not spin up or load disks.
I opened it and took all the money out and everything is free to move like the disk transport etc. Nothing is binding or jammed. I tested the plug to the drive and it has 12V to the black wire and 5V to the other outer gray wire. The 2 inner wires are GND. Now when I power up the unit I can see the laser move in and out as to focus but nothing else works the laser tracking does not move from any position I put it in and the spindle for the disk does not spin up either.  If you hit the disk eject button you get 3 beeps. If you try to insert a disk nothing happens. Its like no power is getting to the controller board. And I have read you have to keep the controller as it is married to the unit because I thought about getting another laser assembly only but if the controller is dead then it still will not work.  Big question if the BD drive is shot will the PS3 still boot up just give some kind of error because I don't get a screen at all just 3 beeps when I hit the eject button.

Any help would be very helpful.


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