Author Topic: Ban-Wave incoming due to new TOS in PAN/ EUROPE countries  (Read 1462 times)

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Ban-Wave incoming due to new TOS in PAN/ EUROPE countries
« on: November 17, 2010, 11:41:37 AM »
first aloud to post this in news sorry about that

Just saw this when i logged into my EU account LOL

You must agree to this to contiune to be playing online now in EU:


Does that mean there is an in-coming World's First "Ban-Wave" for the PS3 Consoles?

I'm guessing the key part is this:

Originally Posted by New PSN ToS
# You must not use any unauthorised hardware or software to access or use Services or make, or distribute unauthorised software or hardware via, or in connection with, Sony Online Services (including but not limited to cheat code software or devices that circumvent any security features or limitations included on any software or devices).
# You must not modify or attempt to modify the online client, disc, save file, server, client-server communication, or other part of any Service or cause disruption to any account, system, hardware, software, or network connected to Sony Online Services for any reason, including to gain an unfair advantage in any Service.
# You must not bypass or attempt to bypass any user authentication systems or security feature or attempt to hack or reverse engineer any code or equipment in connection with Sony Online Services (unless permitted by applicable law).
If one changes their PSID now, gets banned and returns to the original PSID could this problem be overturned

EDIT: (The Truth and Facts / This Is All Rumor For Now!)

Our many thanks to Mathieulh for re-tweeting this news from beatdowniidx, I found myself this morning over coffee reading tons of PM's and E-Mail's about this, so I was force to move the original source thread which was found right here on -SCENE to hopefully calm the waters done.

Fact #1: -- This is just an TOS update for PAN / EUROPE owners (UK,Africa,Aussie,Europe)!
Fact #2: -- This brings the PAN / EUROPE aggreement to the same level we had in NA (America) since June!
Fact #3: -- PSN is going down in those countries for service update, so you will see error 8002A240!

There will be PSN maintenance occurring between 16:05 and 23:00 on Thursday 18th November 2010. During this time, (via PC and PS3) will be unavailable together with Account Management and Registration services. Users already signed in should not be affected and those that have signed in previously may still be able to do so on their .

We apologise for any inconvenience this outage may cause.
For now this thread is just that a possible RUMOR nothing more, I will update it if and when it becomes FACT!

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come to the rite place if you kiss admins as they promote you to admin.


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