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3D Camera Stand

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hey guys i need you help.

i either need to find or build a rig so i can do 3D film.

the idea is i have one Kodak playsport 1080p camera and i plan on getting another so i can do 3d footage.

i need a dual camera holder that i can clip onto a standard camera stand (if it used a camera screw hole so that i could just screw the attachment onto the stand it would be great) which has 2 camera screws for attaching the 2 kodak cameras to it and ideally i need to be able to slide the cameras to alter there distance so that i can fine tune the depth  as from my understanding the further apart the more stuff jumps out at you. so preferably able to slide the cameras between 3 and 10 inches apart and fix them in there position.

thanks for any help you guys can give in finding or designing this. also if any of you have to tools to fabricate something like this then i will pay you for it

It would be easier to make what you want. Take two camera mounts and attach them on sliders. Place the sliders on a square bar with the measurements marked on it with a mount that is like that on the bottom of the camera to attach it to a tripod. I haven't seen what you are looking for and with a little bit of effort this project could look really nice. Powder coating and such.


Added:. Or buy this. XD

ebay Has a lot of these listed on it. Save the item in your watch list then find similar items to bring up a lot of different ones.

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thanks twist for the link will check it out and likely get one as manufacturing one will cost more than it does to buy a cheep one. it may be that if it works out and i find im using it a lot i may invest in making my own out of strong sturdy metal.

and bozy thanks for the suggestion but as my name suggests im not a windows user i only use macs as thats what i have plus the problem with converting to 3d is that it looks like you converted it to 3d (plus most 3d tv's can convert to 3d on the fly) which is ok for some things but if your wanting a really good 3d image then you go with proper 3d stereoscopic plus its a fun project and if i can get it sorted in time will hopefully mean some nice footage of fireworks and chinese lanterns on new years eve.

as for the cost of a new camera its only £82 (much better than the £130 i payed back in june for the first camera) so for £130+£90+£20=£240 i can get a 1080p 3d camera setup - i think thats pretty cheep if you ask me compared to the cost of an actual 3d video camera


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