Author Topic: Xecuter X360USB PRO Update  (Read 3602 times)

Offline KingMike_OS

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Xecuter X360USB PRO Update
« on: November 27, 2010, 03:16:53 AM »
It’s been a very busy week of testing with the recently announced X360USB PRO device. We can confirm that various members of the scene including Team Jungle have received working samples to help make this the ultimate affordable hardware aid for 360 DVD Firmware from beginners right through to advanced users.

Team Jungle reported to us this morning that they absolutely love the device and are 100% committed to fully supporting it. As Jungle Flasher is the most advanced, secure and feature rich 360 Firmware Tool available we are also committed to enhancing the features of the X360 USB PRO to make sure that every eventuality is covered.

There is still a very nice part of the hardware that we have not disclosed that will truly make it a true multi-function device, but what we have added this week is the ability to upgrade its firmware for future expansion and further enhancement with Jungle Flasher. Oh, did we forget to mention that amongst the new goodies the X360 USB PRO can do, it can dump the 360 Slim 9504 DVD fw and key ? 

Here is the latest scan of the X360 USB PRO device. In the immortal words of Michael Jackson we’re “Working Day and Night” so much more to come………

There are few case designs that we are debating. here’s the the favorite so far…..

Xecuter X360USB PRO – Benq Video Demo
« Last Edit: November 27, 2010, 03:23:03 AM by KingMike_OS »


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