Author Topic: PS3 Laptop, similar but different to BH's  (Read 3055 times)

Offline pspwxp

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PS3 Laptop, similar but different to BH's
« on: May 08, 2010, 12:12:10 AM »
PS3 Slim Laptop

PS3 Slim, DS3, power supply etc.
1 Red, 1 Green and 1 Blue 'Clear when off' LED
17" Monitor (the thinnest I can find)
USB hub (smallest available)
slim keyboard (does the PS3 support the keyboards with the mouse pads on the side, like those in a laptop?)
HDMI to DVI or VGA (depending on the screen type)
2 small speakers (or 1 set of 2)

PlayStation Eye
The keyboard with the laptop pad
5 speakers for a virtual surround sound
Yellow LED for display

Hi im going to try to make one of those laptops like Ben Hecks, but I want to make it a little more me, so I may add a playstation eye, and 5 speakers instead of one, I may also make it that you can access the HDD without taking the entire thing apart (like a separate section) plus i was going to add a keyboard for several reasons, 1 in case GeoHot makes this CFW compatible with the slims so I can use Linux on it, and also this is going to be my internet for anywhere in my house, because I dont own a  laptop. Now here is my PLANNED method, I still have to get... well everything.

=Method (planned)
1) tear apart the slim
2) tear apart the Power supply
3) make an EXTERNAL plug for the monitor (I want it that you can take the monitor off)
4) tear the monitor apart
5) remove unnecessary things, add PS Eye
6) put it in the case, feed the three cables (HDMI, PS Eye (which is USB) and power) through the slots then clamp it all together (the screen only)
7) test screen
8) plug hub into a USB port, then add: Keyboard, PS Eye and feed the remaining USB ports to the rear of the console
9) plug and mount speakers in case (not in-case, In the case)
10) successfully make the power, eject, volume and brightness controls work
11) solder everything needed
12) clip together
13) Enjoy!

By the way, if this hack from GH comes out, and it works on slims, and it allows us to play PS2 games on the slim, then I may add a memory card slot!

More updates soon...
TBC: PS3 Slim Laptop, PSP de Dualshock modde.

Offline Vanilla_Nig

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Re: PS3 Laptop, similar but different to BH's
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2010, 09:54:43 PM »
slim keyboard (does the PS3 support the keyboards with the mouse pads on the side, like those in a laptop?)

The keyboard only works when its connected to the USB slot or is bluetooth. And no, as far as i know that the mouse touch pads on a laptop do not work (correct me if wrong) but what you could do is find a ball mouse and install that part into the laptop so you control the mouse with the ball :) or use a laser mouse:S but that would be hard to use.

Good Luck with this mod! :D i wish you the best! and i hope to do this soon with my PS3 phat! Because its way easier to access wverything! Hope you stay posted cuz i am very interested in the results :)

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Re: PS3 Laptop, similar but different to BH's
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2010, 03:02:05 AM »
I remeber I tried to make a 360 laptop but got lazy and just clamps a monitor on and bridged the power. I am very looking forward to yours (most probably much nicer than mine) and just wondring if it's gunna be like an acual laptop case or more of a suitcase type thing
2nd Year EE

Offline joeb0032

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Re: PS3 Laptop, similar but different to BH's
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2010, 05:40:43 PM »
any up date on whats goin on..

"There's always a flaw, you just have to find it"-TwistedMind33


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