Author Topic: Could a Wii remote/nunchuk be modified for a one-handed player?  (Read 2350 times)

Offline CelluloidPoet

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Hello all,

First of, I would like to say how impressed I am with the level of cordiality and professionalism I have witnessed on this site. This place seems very much a warm, friendly, and close board. The fact that you have a section dedicated to disabled gamers (like me) and accessibility issues is really great! I applaud you guys for thinking beyond the average viewer, something more (especially mainstream) sites should do.

Now, on to my question. As I mentioned before, I have a disability, cerebral palsy, which affected my right side (mostly my right hand), leaving me a proud one-handed lefty.

Over these last few years I've gotten more into gaming, and although I can use Xbox and PS game controllers alright. While my game play is a bit clunky sometimes, (ie: in FSPs), I can generally play really well. The problem comes with the Wii. Now I've haven't had much experience with it, and I don't own one as of yet (mainly do to its inaccessibility), but I really want one and am willing to buy one if there is a option to modify it. You see I would really love to play some Nintendo games, and I have never bought any of their consoles.

Having done some research, I have a rough idea of what I want, I just don't know if its possible. I saw another thread on the board in the Wii section by someone who seemed to want a similar mod, however, the plan either fell through, or went by way of email/PM.

Roughly, what I'd want is that the nunchuk's analog stick, C and R buttons be relocated to the Wii remote itself. The C and R buttons I would hopefully like to add to the right side of the remote in line with two of my fingers, while the analog stick could go... I'm not sure. The other member had the idea of putting it on the A button, which is actually a nice position if it could be done.  Also, I was thinking of maybe moving the 2 button horizontal and in line with the 1 button so it would be easier to play games like Super Paper Mario, which would have me turn the remote horizontal to play.

So, is this possible? And if so, would someone be willing to modify it for me? Also, if you can, give me an estimate on how much it would cost, that would be great. I’d definitely provide the controllers.

Thanks for the consideration!  :victory:
« Last Edit: December 01, 2010, 03:30:07 AM by CelluloidPoet »


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