Author Topic: Help getting caught up  (Read 2534 times)

Offline Thorax

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Help getting caught up
« on: December 14, 2010, 07:11:04 AM »
I've been out of the PSP scene for quite some time and I'm looking to jump back in. Unfortuanatlly, both 1000's I have don't have working analogs (The analogs themselves work, it's the board that doesn't). I'm looking to buy a new PSP, but I'm not sure what I need to get.

So here is where I need your help. What PSP's support CFW and up to what version? Also, what is the latest CFW currently out?

I know the 1000 will be the easiest for CFW to be installed on, and 2000 should work in most cases but I'm unsure about the 3000 and the GO, which I'd want one of those two, preferibly the latter.

Also, if the GO is able to put CFW on, am I able to play backups of the games I already own UMD's of but don't want to rebuy from the PSN store?

Thanks for your help and hopefully I'll be back to modding soon!

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Re: Help getting caught up
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2011, 07:52:09 PM »
I don't really feel like dragging on about the pros and cons of each.... but do know that certain PSP game exploits have been stumbled upon and a few versions of 6.00+ Hen versions have been developed.... Both can be played on a PSP 3000 and the PSP GO.... I will tell you, from personal preference, that I prefer the design of a 3000 over the GO because it feels much more natural when playing games. Just keep in mind when buying a PSP with intended use of cfw, always check the firmware (don't want to be a psp that can't be modded)

Go to in order to research all of this on your own!
(Way too much to list here, there are many different HEN versions, and various releases of stable custom firmwares!)

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Re: Help getting caught up
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2011, 09:24:54 AM »
If all you want is to be able to use your psp for M33/Gen CFW, do yourself a favor and buy a used slim.. preferable with a TA-085 Mobo...
If your looking to get that good'ol feeling back seeing the hacks unfold, get yourself a go..

If you really want a new psp... get yourself a 3000 it'd be the most hackable currently..

Again keep an eye on firmware you dont want the thing up to date


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