Author Topic: concept how to make psptouch screen  (Read 82313 times)

Offline galaxy3arth

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concept how to make psptouch screen
« on: January 01, 2011, 05:39:19 PM »
if you follow this link "" it will show an analog interface 4pin 2axis analog touch screen, and if you were to look at the port for the psp analog stick it is also a 4 pin 2axis analog input. if you search around the site you will find this "" a break out board for the touch screen. theoretically you could use the psp analog stick connection to connect the touch screen, because the way they work is virtually the same
so if you were to mod a psp and put the touch screen in you should be able to slid it in some direction and get a reaction. with out software ie .prx plugins the touch screen would not get full functionality, it could not select stuff. the coding concepts are farely simple. first of all you need a way to turn it on and off, because it would inter fere with the analog stick, simple enough. the next thing you need to keep in mind is that the plugin would probably be large like ir shell. it would have to have an x y net instead of the directional analog stick which has a dead zone and when some thing leaves it go in that direction. if you want to be able to tap some thing and have it activate the corresponding code such as opening the memory stick it would have to recognize the connection from the analog stick as a button like x or o. which is why I said to make an on off switch first. next to allow to activate these links of code it must first beable to follow a chain of code all the way to the creen coordinates for said activation or click.
then once touch screen taps at those coordinates on the screen it will follow the chain back down to activate it, thus select some thing by touch. it seems highly versatile and yet really difficult and like it would take alot of processing power. so this method of the plugin should only be used on small applications such as xmb, and internet being that it has a simple interface. this is only what I recommend because if done correctly no configuration would be needed for any thing it would work for games homebrew and all. but if you need a simpler more specific  way to do it I would have an individual profile for each application like the way tiltfx works, but instead of that you would have to make a map:

{list the maximum and minimum x and y coordinates}
{then list each of the activation coordinates for each part}={and give a direct link to the code it corresponds to}
for instance
A{xy{20,30}}=b{a way to link to the code}
M being min and max
A standing for application
b standing for bridge
the bridge code be a complex way to get from to the code or it could be a second plain of buttons it could use to get to said part
for instance if you press use in this order (start)->(down)->(x)] to open a menu then you can have the {link to said code} be  {(start)->(down)->(x)]}
this works good and well for simple tasks but for large tasks it would need multiple maps and motion maps.
a better way to do it would be to modify the code for macrofire and link it to a simple code for the net and touch settings. then give the plugin the ability to scan a number of more specific file types for the activations of a strings of code that could be accessed using the other buttons: analog d pad r and l homebar buttons and xo/\[] and have it assign such values to the right coordinates, and in the meantime have maps created for the other more common files to speed it up and make it less intensive. to work best it would have to run behind the games. in other words not a new firmware but an addition to the existing one running in the background at all times.

keep in mind I do not know any type of coding. this is just how the concepts of a working code would be so do not try to run the stuff written above more than likely it will no :psp:

Post Merge: January 01, 2011, 09:04:43 PM
could somebody who knows programing help with this. the installation was easy just need the software
« Last Edit: January 21, 2011, 03:48:25 PM by galaxy3arth »

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2011, 10:53:31 PM »
it seems plausible to someone like me however i will let the pros handle this one IE; Modded Matt, and FOOKZ

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2011, 09:06:25 AM »
if they cant help could you try to do it  :beg:

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2011, 03:57:00 AM »
considering this was something i was trying to do for a while w/ my zune and actually got it working b4 microsoft did... i may take a stab at this... MAYBE... if i can get the money for the parts ill look into it

lol look at this crap u can get like 5 bucks a day for doing  poop

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2011, 08:57:36 AM »
if its a full touch screen you want to make when you touch the screen how will it make the button work as every button that is pressed down on the board it has to ground that button so how will you do that ?  ???? like the psp nub that has its own line connected to ground as when the nub goes up its grounds the board trying to make sense here?

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2011, 09:19:54 AM »
no need too, PSP2 has touchscreen :/

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2011, 09:45:30 AM »
the ground on the nub is used the same way

Post Merge: January 05, 2011, 09:46:03 AM
no garuntee the psp2 will be hackable
« Last Edit: January 05, 2011, 09:46:03 AM by galaxy3arth »

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2011, 05:56:55 PM »
well the plugin tht we would have to have in order for this to work would have to have buttons to press on screen sorta like this* (see attached pic) not tht i would know how to do it (atm) but im sure if i went through w/ it i would learn the coding for it

lol look at this crap u can get like 5 bucks a day for doing  poop

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2011, 11:46:33 PM »
This might get you thinking:

Then connecting the mouse to a PSP:
PS2 Maus an PSP Projekt - Part 5

Which brings us to the conclusion the touch screen will replace that mouse in the video.

LOL its easier said than done. But i think all the hardcore developing has been done already... just put the pieces together.

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2011, 02:48:51 AM »
Hmm. This is quite interesting. Does the PSP use unix or is it a custom Sony OS?

Offline galaxy3arth

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2011, 08:47:57 AM »
thanks alot will try this sounds doable just wish it was in english ,but thats ok I understand alittle german too.

Post Merge: January 14, 2011, 09:03:16 AM
I think the hardware could be simplified a bit because both the touch screen to usb and the usb to serial use a atmega series I think I can use one to get the same result. potentially the two could be doing reverse conversions of the signal so I may not need almost any of it (though thats unlikely)

Post Merge: January 14, 2011, 09:30:56 AM
trying to find good schematics on the mouse to psp thing

Post Merge: January 14, 2011, 10:08:29 AM
first follow the tutorial from "" then use this "". the only other thing I need is the schematic for the ps/2 to psp then replace the ps2 with the rest.

Post Merge: January 14, 2011, 10:12:29 AM
can some body help me get that. and hopefully along with it the plugin he used so it can be modified for any other uses for the touch screen

Post Merge: January 14, 2011, 12:48:49 PM
never mind I just need the pin outs for the psp slim serial port. I can just use this "" and attach it to the usb touchscreen mouse made in this tutorial ""

Post Merge: January 15, 2011, 03:33:58 PM
don't necessarily need the pin-outs anymore ,but for convenience sake it would be nice.
 I have the whole circuit figured out now. going to up the voltage of the 2.5v that the psp gives to 5v .feed that through the power source of the touch screen and the v bus of the usb connection. pretty sure I wont need the TxD output from the psp any way but Ill leave it just in case. lastly analyze the signal through the whole thing along with the psp SIO to pc serial  serial port converter here "" just switch the RxD and the TxD. lastly modify a config file for the remote to recognize the signals as a remap for what ever you want it to replace. this includes taps slides and so on. just wanted the pin-outs so im not going blind on the last part :winker:

Post Merge: January 15, 2011, 03:37:50 PM
time to take out the touch screen and set it up this way
« Last Edit: January 15, 2011, 03:37:50 PM by galaxy3arth »

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2011, 03:48:03 AM »
PSP Touch Screen
It's all been done (not by me though).

How to do it? That's easy:
Touchscreen is interfaced by a microcontroller with 2 ADCs and a UART. The µc gets the position of the touch and pushes it to the PSP's SIO. The PSP runs a plugin that receives the touch info a provides an API for homebrews to use the touchscreen or hooks into the scectrl or syscon to map touches to buttons/analog stick.

Can't give u schematics/code of PS/2=>PSP. But you can find schematics+code for a PS2 Controller for PSP mod on my website ( It's basically the same.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2011, 03:50:59 AM by TokyoDrift »

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2011, 06:22:07 PM »

Offline 1TONpete

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2011, 10:31:55 PM »
I just recently revived my psp's. My son is now getting old enough to use them so I broke them out. I was looking over at the spark web site and came across the touch screen stuff and came back here and did some searching and look what i find. Amazing! So what does this all mean? Anyone came up with a shell yet? How can i get details on all hardware needed. I found everything for the interface, but How about some details on the mircocontroller? When i first found it I was thinking nub replacement, but this is much better. I can totally see a plugin for irshell working great. I got a phat boy waiting for this mod. Im pretty good on the hardware end if i get some one to point me in the right direction for the code? I'm willing to put this stuff together and try getting a shell to work.

Post Merge: January 19, 2011, 06:56:56 AM
Sorry for the double post but i had an idea. If we use a macro plugin with this we could use different touch motions to remap combos for in game play. example 360 cw rotation could be mapped as a combo. Not sure on the code but it makes sense to me. Any word on a packaged code yet?

Post Merge: January 19, 2011, 08:36:07 AM
Here's what I'm thinking. Remaping everything i use with my right hand , so the ^o[]X and R buttons to be remapped. example the new God of War. please mind the #'s are just examples not really locations in x:y
remaps -
 "O" remaped to to a touch movement say x:0,y0 to x:0 , y:75. a movement to the right from center. there would have to be a range but this is just an example. in god of war this would be a grab motion. this could be mapped to a more complex movement i think.
"X" remapped to x:0,y:0 to x:75, y:0 a upward movement. A jump in the new god of war.
"[]" and "^" are low , high attacks, respectively. the have different combo with them.
simple mode remap for low attack ie single press on "[]" remapped as just a tap somewhere on the screen say, near x:-50, y:0
and a simple high attack ie single press "^" remapped as  tap near x:50 ,y:0
next is hold "[]" remapped to x:-50,y:0 to x:-50,y-50
hold "^" remapped to x:50,y:0 to x:-50,y:0 this is because this makes you jump into the air after and ready for more combos, so all you have to do to continue combo is tap the position your at to continue w a low attack while in air.
I could go on and on but it doesnt matter because i dont have any of this infront of me yet. I need to get the hardware first. i would like to get started on the code for now i guess.
edit : new plan. get hardware running, then figure out how to internalize. (if I cant do that whats the point if its not portable) , then if its all in side the psp start thinking about code. maybe by then someone will create a plug in that makes it easier on us non code junkies.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 08:36:07 AM by denali31004 »

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2011, 08:40:04 AM »
not yet. working with a freind of mine on the code, but I am not on my home computer right now so I will send you the links to the parts when I get back (had them all bookmarked). the base plugin is probably going to be based off of the code tokyodrift used to hook up the ps2 controller. it comes in behind firmware and makes it recognise it as a completely new legit input. so you can see the function from any plugin game etc. including macro fire and remaps good idea man.  it will help to have some support started to think maybe nobody was interested.

Post Merge: January 19, 2011, 08:55:21 AM
i am bad at code but those motion samples are a good idea. we will make sure to try and put those in, because they will have to be in the base plugin to work efficiently.
so if you were to look in a remap plugin with it enabled ther will probably be a list like so:
zone: x coordinate 1- x coordinate 2
        y coordinate 1- y coordinate 2 = 0x00000123
then program in multiple ones for different areas of the screen. they would not be exact as the psp does not function that way but it wouldnt change much. on the psp end  a double tap of that region would mean a recognized button press. the upper part wil either be in the behind the firmware plugin syscon or in the microcontroller.

 thats the base concept of how we will program in these motions. slightly diferent for drags and all but
no trouble. though I agree it should be mostly for the rightside controls.

Post Merge: January 19, 2011, 09:01:16 AM
was thinking about also getting the datel tiltfx to work for cfw be cause that should be simple maybe I can make a way for that and touch screen to work at the same time. let me know what you think.

Post Merge: January 19, 2011, 09:12:18 AM
the circuit can be simplified and shrunken not only does the atmega168 give the outs for usb but it already has rs232 protocol outs, and there is an identical board called the arduino mini so the size just got like 3 to four times smaller!  :drunk:
« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 09:12:18 AM by galaxy3arth »

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2011, 09:25:16 AM »
the circuit can be simplified and shrunken not only does the atmega168 give the outs for usb but it already has rs232 protocol outs, and there is an identical board called the arduino mini so the size just got like 3 to four times smaller!  :drunk:
ATmega168 does not have USB. It also doesn't have RS232. It just has a UART, as (i think) all AVRs have. The Board using an Arduino will be way bigger than making your own PCB. You can probably use an ATTiny with about 10 Pins. You could use 5V from the PSP if you make this mod internal. PCB could be about .5 by .5 inch or something I guess. It'd pobably need some code tricks to pack everything into such a small avr but it could work. Use assembler.

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2011, 09:51:27 AM »
thanks want to get the circuit as small as possible.

Post Merge: January 19, 2011, 10:08:51 AM
I am pretty sure we can get the attiny to work. simple enough to get it to commuinicate in rs232 just need it to send the analog data
« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 10:08:51 AM by galaxy3arth »

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2011, 11:01:30 AM »
Another thought , Cw cheat is run in the backround of games and pops. it has a data base file. it also reads the iso code on the game and auto loads cheats for that game and it will auto load remaps and marcos as plugins. Some similar coding could be used. to update new games just copy paste note file into database. then it could also be user defined along with presets for each game. AS far as i can tell by reading some one else's tech sheet on the psp remote data bus, the psp sends info depending on what the psp is currently doing. remote buttons have different effect on xmx and in music etc. if we can read this we can tell the touch interface to switch modes between xmb , game etc

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #18 on: January 19, 2011, 02:24:10 PM »
cant use the attiny2313 or 4313 they dont have ADC input, the touch screen needs ADC input. searching for other options

Post Merge: January 19, 2011, 02:42:56 PM
unless there is a way to make it take adc inputs, but highly doubtful

Post Merge: January 19, 2011, 02:49:52 PM
I think the attiny84 will work has higher sflash than the 44 and 24. 14pins 12ADC compatable

Post Merge: January 19, 2011, 03:06:14 PM
will have to use max2323 aswell

Post Merge: January 19, 2011, 05:03:13 PM
I just finished a rough schematic.

Post Merge: January 19, 2011, 05:13:23 PM
any ideas on a way to make the datel tlitfx 3d motion sensor work on cfw and then integrate it with the touch screen circiut or to have both working at once?
« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 05:13:23 PM by galaxy3arth »

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2011, 05:30:14 PM »
What about adapting ipod touch interface some how? if we can use that like a shell , and maybe we can use ipod touch apps. idk just a thought. As far as psp games and psx eboots i think that something like cw cheat is a good place to start to get remaps and macros.
I was thinking about doing some graffix work on a new shell no code yet just a skin, and see how it might look. then when i get something i like ill post and see what you think. Then maybe i can get some help w the code for the new shell.

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2011, 06:51:32 PM »
hurray this is happen'n bottoms up  :drunk:

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2011, 07:04:40 PM »
A couple of questions about the hardware. I am not that familiar with theses micro controllers you guys are referencing, so i have some questions about them. the avr or what ever is used to hold the data is flashed with the code on the programmer. Now heres my question, Does the chip have to stay in the programmer or can it be removed and put into a board created for the psp? Im thinking it is removed after being flashed. So if this is true then can a chip be flashed and then say mailed? Next bit of questioning rely s on the previous statement about the chip being removed to be true also. If the chip is on a separate board inside the psp, what does the board need to be powered? More importantly what are the over all power requirements to make this work? i believe the touch screen overlay needs 5v not sure tho.How big would said board be? small enough to fit next to mem. stick where people put sound mods chips and cams? If more power is needed i was thinking about using umd drive for external battery internalized. the psp slim has some nice pockets to hide breakout boards and given its expanded functionality over the the remote port, i would think there might be more hardware available features and control over that port. the phat boy ports i believe are only six pin the slim is a 12 pin. More pins makes me think theres more going on there? From what i can gather we can bump up to +5v out of the audio port to power this device. the 2.5v (?) out of audio jack seems like its enough to power the microcontroller. but i the touch panel I think needs 5v?

Post Merge: January 19, 2011, 10:13:18 PM
I've been sitting here with the psp in my hand doing touch motions to figure out the ergonomics of the controls. During game play the screen could be divided into a left and right section. Controls for left hand and controls for right hand. Maybe even a "shift" button to initiate the touch on each side . next to the l+r buttons . Maybe use the l+r buttons as "shift keys". but then we loose l+r to dedicated shift keys. So i was thinking a button like a l2 r2 button could work as a shift key to initiate the touch on the appropriate side. Question, can the touch screen recognize two inputs at the same time. say to create a pinch or expand motion?
« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 10:13:18 PM by denali31004 »

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #22 on: January 20, 2011, 08:26:53 AM »
cant do the multi touch the way the screen works is through analog resistance. the voltage is fed on one side of the screen and the otherside when pressed uses resistance to relay the values. you can look at a sense table on the sparknotes site. the link should be above somewhere. as far as the micro controllers go the avr is used as said and may be mailed. once a program is loaded if a new program is not loaded it will boot the old one.

Post Merge: January 20, 2011, 08:48:58 AM
I found an already existant schematic for a attiny84 used with rs232 protocol communication. it has four open ADC slots and an extra 2 if we want to add anything else. since the psp doesnt use true 232 I think the mega232 is not needed. the code provided with the schematic can be used we just need to add the code to process the touch screen inputs then the hard ware side is done. the touchscreen if internalized will fit next to the memory stick, and the 5v for touch screen and microcontroller would come from one of the 5v spots on the inside of the psp, for instance the path to the leds. however if we use the external port we can use a stepup to bring it to five volts and a stepdown for the out puts to the psp side. my freind who was going to do the coding said he wouldnt do it so I think I will post a schematic to see what you guys think and somebody on here should be able to make the code if I give them the info and the code for rs232 we're building it off of.
the difference between the phat and slim remote ports is that the slim supports video out without remote joy light. it probably has another voltage source for the full screen out ,but I dont know much about that part. the six for the remote are the same. on the chip I think we should add a port for both the 5v from the psp for internal, and the regular serial port for external. I have three more programer I can bring this to so Im not worried much.

if you look up the table the pin numbers will be different because its on a different microcontroller. but the actual chart is
               X sense     Y sense
X1    PA0   5v            ADC
Y1    PA1   float         GND
Y2    PA3   ADC          5v
X2    PA2   GND          float

Post Merge: January 20, 2011, 09:12:31 AM
if we can get the datel tilt fx to work too then when you use the full screen out you would have a similar control scheme motion sense instead of touch screen. I dont think the touch screen would be as nice for full screen. the current software for the datel tiltfx is for OFW only

Post Merge: January 20, 2011, 09:44:00 AM
the neo flash motion kit plugin may work for it ,but I dont know ,because its for 3.xx firmware.

Post Merge: January 20, 2011, 09:45:40 AM
as for control concepts for first person shooter games drawing a circle to zoom in would be cool.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2011, 09:08:02 AM by galaxy3arth »

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #23 on: January 20, 2011, 10:15:34 AM »
Back to my split screen control idea, if we put to buttons on the back of the psp for shift purposes we could use middle fingers to activate right side regular controls by hold right side button down w middle finger. kinda like an interrupt. or vice versa activate touch by a button on the back. Im working on the shell now, basing it off irshell. i think this would be a faster way to integrate than trying to create plugins and such for xmb. I like using irshell because we get 5 user created shortcuts. plus many other features. Ill try to have at least an image file for you guys to preview some time tonight.

Post Merge: January 20, 2011, 02:50:40 PM
Here is what i got for the shell so far, I gotta walk away for a bit to work on some other stuff but i wanted to post what i got so far.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 02:50:40 PM by denali31004 »

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2011, 04:04:54 PM »
This thread is messing up I can't load the page. But I did see your having trouble loading pics. I had to host the picture some where else like photobucket, then copy the "[img]" code into your reply. pm me if you have more trouble.

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #25 on: January 20, 2011, 05:47:38 PM »
whatever galaxy uploaded last crashed the page...

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #26 on: January 20, 2011, 07:15:54 PM »
thanks dont know why it crashed just took a regular image it was a JPEG image just took it

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #27 on: January 21, 2011, 08:29:22 AM »
I'm updating this because after some searching i found a lot of fake information. So, I wanted to clear some things up.
So this jube character i believe is out there duping people into thinking he created a touch screen for the psp. I think he is a fake. What we are trying to do here is real.
here are the facts so far...
1. there is a direct touch screen over lay for the psp screen. (not a direct plug'n'play yet)
2. It is connected to the psp through a microcontroller (still working on programing) through the psp's sio port and powered by the audio jack. it could be modded internally also and powered by internal psp power. side note : a replacement faceplate with overlay pre-installed might be possible.
3. programing ! the way this works is the mirocontroller is flashed using a serial interface with the pc. It is taught  how to input signals from the touch screen and output communication to the psp through rs232. basic controls x,y,o,[], d-pad , l&r ,even analog stick can all be programed fairly easy. button emulation.
4. problems... code support! Writing code is difficult for me. I have basic programing knowledge at best. I think i understand how to design homebrew to work w this feature, as homebrew can be set up how ever you want, depending on how good of a dev you are. xmb control is easily possible also since controls are very simple in xmb.
1:create a plugin that can be updated with a database file so users can add/modify the script for the controller. ie: preset / user based macro's and maps , which contains the game code for each game. like a cw cheat db file.
2: create a homebrew which can read inputs from the touch screen and map out the buttons and create macros., and then add the script to the db file. So users can create they'r own touch maps and macros with out writing code to the microconroller, and share db data with others.
3: create another homebrew app/or plugin for key board inputs. this i think has been done for the xbox chat pad mod. ie:on screen touch keyboard.
a huge Thank you goes out to all involved in this project and acidmods for hosting such a good site.

Offline galaxy3arth

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #28 on: January 21, 2011, 08:46:55 AM »
as far as the coding goes my freind brandon may be able to help with the code.
but as far as the project goes thats sounds good. If you want to see an example of the db file manipulation and all, I can tell you there is a code out there that you get when you buy the datel tiltfx which has three analog signals. I have bothe the tiltfx and the code problem is the folder it installs is all .DAT files so I think both the plugin it would run on ofw (program wont run on cfw, when in game ,but the program to edit db it works great) the reason it doesnt work is because I think both the plugin and the eboot are both in the dat file. so I havent been able to use prx exractor or pbp unpacker because they dont recognize .DAT files. I send it all to you if you want I know the tiltfx uses the same inter face we are planning ( i took it apart) just a micro controller a step up trans former to convert the analog signal and talk through rs232 protocol. we could probably base our stuff off of it.

Post Merge: January 21, 2011, 08:52:11 AM
I think that jube guy is a fake too. most people who make something like that would put up a tut or atleast information on how to do it. if it was real he would have showed the chords and all to prove it wasnt just connected to computer or something.

Post Merge: January 21, 2011, 09:00:20 AM
about number 2 on your post the face plate of psp has the plexiglass part just glued on so we could pop that off ( i have done it before ) and do alittle light dremeling to get it to fit right. then we can just glue it into place.

Post Merge: January 21, 2011, 09:44:56 AM
just looked at the spark notes page again.
the code for detecting the x y values was there this is it

void read_x(void)
    DDRC = 0b00010010; // Output on PC4(5V) and PC1(GND), Input on PC4(ADC)
    sbi(PORTC, 4); //pull PC4 to 5V
    cbi(PORTC, 1); //pull PC1 to GND
    _delay_ms(1); //wait for screen to initialize
    ADMUX = (1 << MUX1); //ADC2
    ADCSRA = (1 << ADEN)|(1 << ADSC)|(1<<

    while(ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC));
    l = ADCL;
    h = ADCH & 0x03;
    h = h << 8;
    h = h + l;

just need to change values so that they match the attiny84. these are for the atmega168. pins are alittle different too. after I do that I just have to set a buffer time for screen to charge and a buffer for the rs232 communication to tell psp to receive the x and y values of the touch screen then send the values gotten through the above.
almost there. :tup:

Post Merge: January 21, 2011, 09:52:35 AM
my bad, buffer time for screen to charge is already acounted for (1ms).

Post Merge: January 21, 2011, 10:08:46 AM
this code also needs to be modified to bridge the D+ and D- values they used into the R(x) we need.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2011, 10:08:46 AM by galaxy3arth »

Offline 1TONpete

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Re: concept how to make psptouch screen
« Reply #29 on: January 21, 2011, 10:26:16 AM »
After some thought about the face plate idea , i came up with a perfect plan for bolt on application for this hardware. full replacement case. seperated into two parts.
part1 faceplate with overlay replacing the acrylic screen cover.
part 2 the rear of the psp case is unmodded except for a hole next to the psp sio port. this is for the cable to plug into that port. Ive been throwing the idea around in my head to include a usband or serial port also, for expanding this microcontroller to handle other peripherals.We mount the board for the microcontroller to the rear case above the memory card slot. Maybe have usb/serial port in this area also.
the to parts are just connected by the ribbon cable off of the touch screen overlay.
this design is so people can do this mod without any real internal modds to the psp. it would be just a lil more complicated than a case swap.
as far as coding the code used here .
Will this work for this?
void read_x(void)
    DDRC = 0b00010010; // Output on PC4(5V) and PC1(GND), Input on PC4(ADC)
    sbi(PORTC, 4); //pull PC4 to 5V
    cbi(PORTC, 1); //pull PC1 to GND
    _delay_ms(1); //wait for screen to initialize
    ADMUX = (1 << MUX1); //ADC2
    ADCSRA = (1 << ADEN)|(1 << ADSC)|(1<<

    while(ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC));
    l = ADCL;
    h = ADCH & 0x03;
    h = h << 8;
    h = h + l;
I believe this is the code for reading the inputs of the touch screen.
so next step is getting it to communicate to the psp.
----------What about the "neo" thing? doesnt that support homebrew and cfw?fact neo does not support slim. dont know why,yet. but does support everything else.
----------what about .cfg files?


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