After years of work, time, and effort, what they said would probably never happened has happened. There are now exploits for the most recent firmware on EVERY PSP model, giving PSP users the right to use unsigned code. An ISO loader has also been released, which allows 3000 and Go! users to load UMD images, which is a HUGE deal for Go! users. This was my main problem with the PSP Go!, and now that these hacks have been released, I am definitely going to go to the store and pick one up this weekend.
The first step for PSP kind was when a half byte loader was released, but unfortunately it was only a user exploit, not allowing loaders and such. But a hacker by the name of Total_Noob pulled through for all of us, and proved wrong many people by finding a kernel exploit. Now after more than a year, we have another hen by the name of "TN". Exploits for 6.20, 6.31, AND 6.35 have been released, allowing all users to run this. TN-B hen has already been released, and I am sure we will be seeing more updates in the future.
And another great (questionable?) step:
The PSP master keys have been uncovered.
First the PS3 master keys, and now the PSP. These keys will allow anyone to sign anything as "official", which will lead to FULL Custom Firmware on ANY PSP. The keys can be found by doing:
1. Go to /dev_flash/pspemu/release/emulator_drm.sprx, decrypt it
2. get spu_handler.isoself, decrypt, grab keys.
HOWEVER, none of us have the algorithm to decrypt the keys, not allowing any of us to sign anything yet. But I'm sure someone will soon, It's bound to happen within a couple of weeks.
This is kind of a controversial topic right now, as some think that they shouldn't be released at this time. I myself think that they should not be released until the PSP2 is released, but that is just my opinion.
Please let me know what you guys think!