Author Topic: jrfhoutx  (Read 2478 times)

Offline jrfhoutx

  • The Long-Winded One
  • Acidmods Alumni
  • Around the block
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  • Posts: 2582
  • Post quality +35/-8
  • Gender: Male
  • Dōmo, Konnichiwa, :censored:es...
    • Misadventures in Mediocrity and Modding
« on: February 04, 2011, 04:32:45 PM »

  • Xbox 360:
-Case Mods
-Controller Mods
-Button Mods (as seen in my tutorials)
-LED Mods
-Mod Chips
-Custom Requests

  • Wii:
-Case Mods
-Controller Mods
-LED Mods
-Mod Chips
-Soft Mods
-Custom Requests

  • PSP:
-Case Mods
-Case Swaps
-UMD Windows
-LED Mods
-Mod Chips
-Custom Requests

  • PS2
-Case Mods
-Controller Mods
-LED Mods
-Mod Chips
-Custom Requests

The above are Consoles that I have modded before and/or have experience with. I do not limit myself to these consoles and am willing to take on new mods to consoles I have not previously worked with, as well as non-console based mods. Do not hesitate to request mods to Consoles not listed above.

Custom Paint is subject to the availability of my painter (I have a friend who is a professional automotive painter that does this work for me), his ability to find the colors you request, his ability to do the custom work requested, and pricing is at his discretion not mine.

I will do custom paint jobs as well (They still turn out extremely nice and professional looking and they will be much less expensive than the work done by my painter friend).

I DO NOT FLASH XBOX 360 DRIVES! I do not condone software piracy and therefore will not flash Xbox 360 disc drives. I do install Mod Chips, JTAGs, and CFW for the sole purpose of accessing homebrew capabilities.

Push Activated Face Buttons Mod
PSP-Devolution Install
Xbox 360 Contoller ROL Mod
Xbox 360 ROL Mod

My PS2:

My PSP Trim:

My 360 Controllers:


My Tutorials:
PSP AC Adapter To USB Charge Mod Reposted by Robin, Tut and Photos by jrfhoutx

PSP USB Charge by wesley_huddleston1 Reposted by Robin, Original Mod by wesley_huddleston1, Tut and Photos by jrfhoutx

Xbox 360 12 Gauge D-Pad Reposted by Spurgurgle, Tut and Photos by jrfhoutx

XBox 360 Back-Lit 12 Gauge D-Pad Tut and Photos by jrfhoutx

Xbox 360 9mm ABXY Buttons Tut and Photos by jrfhoutx

Contact Information:

Forum PM is acceptable as well.

Pricing is on a case by case basis, and will factor in difficulty, length of time required to complete, previous experience with unit being modded, and parts required. Contact me for a pricing quote.

Shipping Methods
I normally use USPS Flat Rate, Insured, and with Confirmation (within the United States). However, I will ship using any method you prefer (including UPS, FedEx, and DHL).

I will ship to any location within the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Shipping to other countries is subject to my discretion (I have previously had problems shipping to Europe, Asia and Central/South America and reserve the right to decline work contracted by individuals located in these regions at my own discretion.).

I will send a picture of the shipping receipt once the item has been shipped back to you. Once it leaves my hands I am no longer responsible for the item.

This page will be updated as I feel necessary.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2011, 04:33:24 PM by jrfhoutx »
AcidMods Ninja... You won't know I'm there until you're gone...

All of these sigs are from the original acidmods sig comp...  @jrfhoutx  "No respect, no respect at all... that's the story of my life." --


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