Author Topic: Mod Off Entry 01173994  (Read 11835 times)

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Mod Off Entry 01173994
« on: February 06, 2011, 05:08:26 AM »

this is the Entry for Entrant 01173994

Email To Have Updates Posted with the Subject Mod Off Update - (update Number) - 01173994

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Re: Mod Off Entry 01173994
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2011, 05:09:43 AM »
I'm going to be modding an Xbox original v.1.0

List of mods:
1. iceberg 4 fans on cpu and gpu
2. add the 4 extra ram chips
3. heat sinks on the top ram chips, bottom ones as well if there is enough room
4. acquire a Silverstone ultra slim media center case
5. modd the case to allow for Xbox mobo
6. modd the case to have window on top
7. modd the case to have custom fan grill added to top
8. make my own circuit board to do all the converting of atx power supply to Xbox 1.0 power connector
9. tsop flash the Xbox with x2 5035 dash
10. rewrite the start up script for x2 bios, change the animation, Xbox logo different colors, boot sequence etc.
11. swap for 150 g 2.5" hdd
12. modd optical drive to work with Xbox mobo DVD harness
13. modd case to allow the controller ports 1-3
modd the case to have the DVD dongle internal attached to controller port 4
14. draw custom panels and holders, and wire routers; drawn with auto desk inventor to have printed out
15. illuminate with green led's or green uv light (if I choose uv, I will switch all connectors for uv as well as uv heat shrink, and uv mesh sleeving)
16. add switch to the front or back that allows me to turn off the lights
17. if I can find a small enough temp censor screen I will install that in the front as well
18. if there is enough room I will put a logitec controller wired into the console for port 1, then have ports 2 and 3 modded into it and the 4 for DVD dongle
19. put an ATA 133 cobra cord into the mix
20. route and clean up all wire to show as little as possible with no extra slack
21. connect all ground points on the bottom of the mobo with the controller ports so I don’t get a controller error
22. might have to relocate the controller port daughter board for the install, but first have to get the case
23. try and have xbmc etched into the top of the plexi glass to have the outline xbmc illuminate
 this all I can think of off the top of my head

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Offline bdogpot

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Update #1 (01173994)
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2011, 03:07:49 PM »
This is the xbox console that I will modd. Its been a while since she came out to play.
Front faceplate that said xbox is missing cause i used it on another project

Here are photos of my antec cobra 133 cable

Slim line DVD player I will use

The component cables and power cord

Here is a pic of a different console that i used the XBOX DVD tray front end piece on

Post Merge: February 08, 2011, 04:35:59 PM
First step I transfered the softmod files to the action replay, then loaded them to the xbox. I then boot the Splinter Cell NTSC first edition copy. Softmod done.

Next I inserted the Auto Installer Deluxe Disk into the XBOX and did a more through softmod install, I also trasfered the TSOP flash file X2 5035 bios in preperation for the TSOP flash.

Opened the xbox up and connected the proper pins to TSOP flash new bios. Reloaded the AID disk and completed the step.

I then swapped the stock hard drive out and inserted the 120g hdd. (did not have 150g hdd, it turned out to be 120g from a broken laptop)

After this step then I loaded the XBMC installer disk, and loaded the full version of XBMC on the HDD.

After this was complete, I then soldered the 4 extra ram chips to now have have a total of 128MB of ram. Also in the second photo the screen would usuall read 23 or so MB of free space, it now reads 80 somethin.

After all of this I test fit the iceberg fans. But I am waiting on thermal paste to finish the process.

This is what the heatsinks will look like on the ram chips. I will cut them to be more acurate in size.

This is the DVD remote that i picked up this morning.

I now have to wait for my circuitboard etching supplies to come in and the other goods the next week. Also most important the case.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2011, 04:39:48 PM by 01173994 »

Offline bdogpot

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Update #2 (01173994)
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2011, 06:32:16 PM »
Ok I was up a good portion of last night and drew what my circuitboard will look like. It will have an atx 20 pin conector on both sides. The board will allow me to step down the appropriate voltages neccesarry for the XBOX to bott and stay on. I also in corporated holes to tie two 4pin molex connection for less clutter and a more asteticly apealing install. Less clutter and mess of wires = more eye catching install.

Testing one of the two SOT-223-3 Voltage regulaters for the circuitboard.

Going to either use a top mount atx connecter or the right angle mount atx connecter. Will use the right angle if space is limited.

Pic of the custom 80mm fan grill I will mount on the top of the case.

Here is a shot of the badge I will put on the front to hopefully cover the silverstone name on the front of the case.

Various molex connectors that i will swap for stock white ones.

Nice new tool that i picked up that will cut out the case plexi glass hole perfectly. No more having to eyeball with the dremel.

Will be revieving more goods the next few days.

Offline bdogpot

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Update #3 (01173994)
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2011, 03:24:58 PM »
Today I have went ahead and tackled the metal connections for the connected ground plates under the XBOX mobo.

I first drew the sort of guide lines that I would want, so that way I could incorporate the metal risings that would be essential for the mod.

Before I could remove the metal casing on the inside I had to disconnect all of the connections, unplug the stock psu, and remove the controller ports.

I then removed the cage, and did a broad dremel cut of where the lines would be close to. After 4 or so times having metal shards in my eye, I now wear safety goggles.

After the main section is cut out i will go back and lay guide lines down with tape for more precise cuts that I will cut with metal nibbler tool.

Half of the way done.

Final finished end result after all cuts and filed down on the sides to remove any sharp points.

I also wanted to take the Blue Ultra Bright SMD LED's out of the fans, since they do not go with the colors that i will be having for the mod.

This is the Blue Point butane soldering iron I will use. I also use a ESD safe Hakko workstation sodering iron for more precision soldering.

LED before.

LED's removed.

« Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 03:27:16 PM by 01173994 »

Offline bdogpot

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Update #4 (0117394)
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2011, 08:07:53 PM »
Some major wireing stuff came in today. Complete green UV kit, with molex connectors, zip ties, wire sleeveing, heat shrink, wire holders that clip on to sides of case and tons more things in kit.

Thermal Paste remover, Thermal purifier, and arctic silver 5 thermal paste.

Window cut for the top part of the case. With how the 80mm fan grill will go with it.

There were a couple more items that came in today but those are a surprise for later in the mod off comp. They will really clean up and show the quality of the install.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2011, 08:30:30 PM by 01173994 »

Offline bdogpot

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Update #5 (01173994)
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2011, 04:11:01 PM »
Received some more products in the mail today.

First off I received all of the supplies to etch my circuit board, along with 1 double sided board, 2 single sided boards, PCB drill press, transparency sheets used to copy the image and print out the solder pads for the solder mask, and the expensive bottle of liquid tin used to coat the Cu traces and pads.

went out and purchased a heat lamp, bulb and UV bulb.

Here is the update on what i was able to do today
I cleaned the pinkish stock thermal paste off, then purified the area with the other solution.

Took apart the DVD dongle to just have the PCB circuit and removed the smoked lens from the front. The lens will used on the front of the case.

I will go ahead and show one of the surprises I will do.

I drew a big drawing of the Xbox symbol, i will cut this out with a razor and the airbrush the X in, I will then go over that with a two part clear coat with the airbrush.

Offline bdogpot

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Update #6 (01173994)
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2011, 03:54:27 PM »
Couldn't do to much because I'm still waiting on the case.

However i did mount the heatsinks on the ram chips and other areas.

All of the heatsinks.

Cut the ones for ram chips and TSOP chip. I then cleaned all of them with alcohol to remove any metal flakes and dust.

This the end result attached to the mobo.

Offline bdogpot

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Update #7 (01173994)
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2011, 10:47:37 PM »
This is a big update to day not many pics though. First off got the case in the mail, along with the UV lights and clear acrylic rods to use as mobo standoff posts. The case is from silverstone, and it came with a whole bunch of extra connection, power source, psu, and what I believe is a 30mm fan. Second I opened the packaging I took it apart to work on it.

Case with how the top plexi and fan grill will sit on it.

Front of the case with flap opened. This is where I will put controller ports 1 and 2. I will also try to put some small mounted switches here also.

The inside of the case.

The UV lights will run across both of the sides.

Cut the whole in the top and mounted the fan grill. I also used some rubber fan whole sealer to make it look smooth.

Took off the entire front and drilled a hole where the led was at under the power switch and mounted the DVD dongle window.

More to come in the next few days.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 10:48:32 PM by 01173994 »

Offline bdogpot

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Update #8 (01173994)
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2011, 05:56:46 PM »
Ok couldn't do as much as I wished. I had to order some motherboard standoffs cause the acrylic rods were breaking on me.

DVD player fit to make shure it would work.

I then cut a piece of aluminum to cover the opening in the back, I will cut holes into the aluminum for the av out plug and ethernet plug. I will be taking the av and ethernet plug off the mobo and put them on a pcb because the whole is off centered from the Xbox mobo.

I dremeled off the original mobo standoff and sanded the area down flush.

drilled holes and mounted controller ports 1 and two.

Then I cut another piece of aluminum to cover the gaps and in between the ports and the hole where the usb ports were at. I mounted a switch where the usb ports used to be.

picture what the cut piece and switch put in place.

This is with the trim piece added on top, I will look allot better when it is all screwed and glued in place.

So far everything is going great and on schedule.

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Re: Mod Off Entry 01173994
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2011, 04:49:07 AM »
dame this is coming along very nice waiting on updates
come to the rite place if you kiss admins as they promote you to admin.

Offline robin1989

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Re: Mod Off Entry 01173994
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2011, 06:34:34 AM »
looking good

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Re: Mod Off Entry 01173994
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2011, 12:35:46 PM »
So far from what I've seen this is going to be one of the best mods being done. I imagine the price tag for doing a project like this is pretty crazy :P

Offline bdogpot

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Re: Mod Off Entry 01173994
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2011, 02:16:32 PM »
Thanks everyone for the support, modding is one of my true pure joys in life. Especially modding something that people say cant be done. Yes I have spent alot of money but 1/2 of what i spent can be used for other projects down the road. So my future projects that I planned will cost very little. Tools will always be a big expense, I probably have a few tools that no one else has because of working in the car audio business. Always keep a look out for big tool sales at garage sales and other places they can really make modding alot easier and less stressful.
I'm probably going to do a little bit more later post some pics tonight, but the rest of the project hinges on four orders that still need to come in. They are the paint, mobo standoffs, the solder mask PCB paint (if it works out and makes the boards look professional I will link a website that I ordered it from), and the micro sata cord. I was thinking about painting the whole inside of the case white then going over the white with green UV reactive paint. This should really make everything pop when the UV light is on. What do y'all think? Also AT the end of the project I will show links of where I ordered everything so that way if anyone wants some of the same supplies that I got.

Offline bdogpot

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Update # 9 (01173994)
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2011, 09:02:00 PM »
Ok still waiting on stuff, but the mobo standoffs will be in tomorrow. However I did get the airbrush paint I ordered so Saturday I will airbrush. I was able to do some stuff though.

I added some black rubber to the edges of the cut aluminum around the controller ports. Very few little adjustments left to do here.

I went ahead and decided to mount the plexi today so that way i don't scratch the paint job when I do that.

I used a washer to to trace around the plexi to get the shape I need for it to fit.

Here is the initial complete cut top, I then used the nibbler to cut straight lines and curves.

Here it is all mounted with the rubber window gasket. I will have to do a little bit of modification to the case to get it to close. I had to cut the hinges off on the top to make the window fit.

I am glad I had all day off because the two things that I did to day took 8 and 1/2 hours to complete.

After I get the mobo standoffs I will start drawing the circutboard holders and the wire routing system. Also let me know if y'all would like to see more pics than what I am showing, I could do a few more in between shots.

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Re: Mod Off Entry 01173994
« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2011, 12:34:32 PM »
That is very cool I have just recently modded my xbox with xbmc its great isnt it! also im glad that someone is doing an original XBOX.

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Re: Mod Off Entry 01173994
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2011, 10:02:07 PM »
xbmc is being the xbox media center right? ( im clueless when it comes to the older ones)

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Update # 10 (01173994)
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2011, 12:45:23 PM »
Ok still waiting on stuff to come in from China, that is why its taking forever.

But I did go ahead and cut the top of the case to allow the top cover to fit snug and and flush with the main section.

Here is a pic of the lines drawn to have a straight cut, had to cut the front and back of the case.

This is what the final cuts look like.

This is side view showing that the top rest flush with each other. The back has a little gap but that will close when I screw the back shut.

I did get the mobo standoffs, but I still need to go to home depo to pick up some nuts to secure them to the case. As soon as the rest of the stuff comes in I will be able to draw the PCB holder stands and wire routing pieces. Then after that I will paint the inside white and paintover that with UV green paint. Then cut all wires to the perfect lengths, sleeve them, and route there paths. Airbrushing will completed as soon as the temp here in Texas warms up to proper temp for paint. I'm also still looking for a green see through logitec controller, I will mount the dongle for that inside, and attach a button and led. These will lead to the two hole in the front of the case.

I wanted to add this for the update instead of doing this on another post.

I drew the other PCB design for the AV out plug and RJ45 plug. I am having to remount these on a seperate circuit board. They plugs on the mobo do not line up where the whole in the back is.

And yes I love Xbox Media Center its great and allows you to watch video files that xbox usually cant display. I can also link it to a NAS server to stream my media and photos .

I also got my UV green paint in today.

« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 05:10:05 PM by 01173994 »

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Re: Mod Off Entry 01173994
« Reply #18 on: March 04, 2011, 07:40:42 AM »
wow i can wait to see when this get done. :drunk:greak work

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Re: Mod Off Entry 01173994
« Reply #19 on: March 04, 2011, 11:53:10 AM »
Just wanted to say that I havent had time to do anything on the project been studying none stop for chemistry, calculus, government problems and policies tests. Should be able to get some stuff done sunday. Also during springbreak.
By the end of spring break I should have the interior of the case painted white then uv green over that, airbrushed the top of the plexi, airbrushed the logo on the front of the case, and circuitboards made, along with relocating the av out and rj45 ports. Also some other misc. things as well.

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Update #11 (01173994)
« Reply #20 on: March 08, 2011, 02:52:44 PM »
I know its been a while since my last update. But was able to do some stuff today.

I was able to paint the inside of the case white, along with some other pieces that show.

After a few coats of UV green paint, I left it in clumps in some areas. You will see why when it all comes together.

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Re: Mod Off Entry 01173994
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2011, 05:30:27 PM »
This thing is lookin awesome!!! good job :tup:

Toad: Sam, You sound like your stoned out of your mind lol
Me: :D

Offline bdogpot

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Update #12 (01173994)
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2011, 05:01:29 PM »
Ok so I broke out the airbrush today.
Decided not to paint the box logo on the plexi.

Instead i decided to airbrush some skull stencils on the UV green.

Here is some picture from inside the case.

Here is shot of the DVD player holder and I also painted the metal covering that goes over the PSU.

These next few picture were shot in the dark with the UV lights on to show what it will look like. I was not able to put my ID in these do to no light.

Will be making the circuitboards soon so that way I can draw the circuitboard holders that will hold everything up.

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Update #13 (01173994)
« Reply #23 on: March 24, 2011, 10:31:27 PM »
Ok it has been a long while since I updated. For a couple of reasons and stuff going wrong. First aircompressor for airbrush blew up. It was only the second time I used it. Second still haven't received the controller in the mail. First set of circuitboards I messed up on so had to order new boards. Now on to the update.

I was able to make the circuitboard that will will change voltages necessary for the Xbox.
Changed the design a little to make it smaller.

Finished product ( it looks kinda messed up in some spots because some solder went flying all over it when I sneezed bah)

Front all put back together. Will put a logo on the right hand side of the door the comes down, if I am able to get hold of an air compressor in the next few days.

broke the plexiglass top got a new one in the mail will wait tell the end to put that in. but this is how it will look with everything put in.

Took the ports off of the back and soldered the wires that will leed to the other circuitboard I am making. (also had to modify the design for the board.

Mounted the heatsink fans and wired them up.

one of the 12" UV lights wire up.

Power wire loomed and also the DVD dongle wired up ready to mount.

4" UV light add to the mix in the front and all wired up.

4" UV light in the rear and the UV light power boards mounted. I also wired the fan that came with the case, and mounted it to the mobo as well.

Power wires running from the switch in the front to turn on and off both the 12" and 4" UV lights.

If I get the compressor I will also add the skull design to the mounts that I am having printed out. Hope I can finish this thing fast.

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Update #14 (01173994)
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2011, 05:18:35 PM »
Did some more wiring work made both the loomed and wired harnesses for power to the circuitboard and from the board to the Xbox.

I also drew the stands that will hold the circuitboard. I used autodesk inventor.

This stand will hold the DVD dongle circuitboard.

Will also be drawing the stand that the circuitboard for the ports will go on, as well as the logitech controller dongle. Will update when that is finished.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2011, 05:19:44 PM by 01173994 »

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Update #15 (01173994)
« Reply #25 on: March 27, 2011, 04:26:08 PM »
I made the drawing for the rear circuitboard and the logitech controller dongle.

Finished all the looming of wires for the controller ports in the front, have not done the logitech controller wires Do not have controller yet). Also wired the led for far left hand side, as well as the power switch. Cleaned up there paths and mounted holders. I also mounted the final 12" UV light.

Will put an led in the first hole from the left that will be tied to the logitech dongle led. The second hole from the left will have a push button to sync the controller. I used an extra power eject board from a previous Xbox project, cut it down to size. I will be cutting down an x buttun from a broken 360 controller paint it green, and then glue it to the push button. Will show some picks of that next update. after that all that is left is
1. mount the new window
2. make last circuitboard
3. attach the ports to the board
4. loom wires from mobo to the circuitboard
5. paint all the stands white then UV green
6. mount the power transfer board, DVD dongle and av out RJ45 port board
7. connect power cables to the DVD player and HDD
8. clean up any loose ends and touch up any chipped paint

If I get the logitech controller and airbrush compressor I will:
1. connect to the wires for controller port 1
2. connect led for the front
3. finish and mount switch for front
4. mount the logitech dongle

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Re: Mod Off Entry 01173994
« Reply #26 on: March 27, 2011, 05:06:09 PM »
Wow holy crap the UV paint inside the case would make this look so awesome when its lit up.

Did you test it out yet? post pics when you do.

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