Author Topic: Emulator questions  (Read 1162 times)

Offline hoboman965

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Emulator questions
« on: February 17, 2011, 08:31:08 AM »
So im pretty new to the emulator scene. actually, i know almost nothing about it. which is why i went to you guys! So what i want to do is play pokemon white when it comes out in US, on an emulator so that i can record stuff like me playing. But what i want most of all is to record me doing wifi battles. so here are my questions. (im a noob so bare with me):

1. How do emulators work?
2. How do i use an emulator to record what im doing?
3. How do i do wifi battles when using an emulator? (this one really confuses me)
4. Can someone please give me a good link to a reliable emulator that can record my gameplay? (last one i did got me a virus, and kept crashing.)

Thanks to all who answered my questions.
i know im a noob.... :cry2:

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Re: Emulator questions
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2011, 08:51:48 AM »
I have to let you know that these aren't strictly legal, so if a moderator or admin thinks this is inappropriate, please feel free to remove this information.

1. They mimic the running of a games console, effectively running a virtual version of them on your computer. They utilise various libraries and assemblers to allow the game to communicate with your computer's processor.

2. Many emulators have recorders built in to them. Otherwise, you can use FRAPS or another such recording/screeen capture tool.

3. There may be utilities which allow you to use your PC's wifi or internet connection to interface with another emulator, or even a DS. Google it.

4. From my research, in order, the best are: NO$GBA, DeSmuME, iDeas, and NeonDS. Search them. And to prevent getting a virus, make sure you scan the downloaded file before opening it, or use firefox.

Offline hoboman965

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Re: Emulator questions
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2011, 08:09:43 AM »
cool thanx.
two more question. if i wanna play pokemon white on the emulator, do i have to wait untill it comes out in the US for DS? and if not, why?

oh and if i play wifi on my computer with pokemon white, can i use the pokemon from my DS pokemon white, or from the emulator? (im not sure if they are linked somehow, like my saved game from my Ds can be played on the emulator)


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