Author Topic: Discovery 6.35 PRO-A  (Read 1074 times)

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Discovery 6.35 PRO-A
« on: February 14, 2011, 05:14:04 AM »
This seemed very intertresting to me so I thought id share it ok as we know about the 6.35 PRO-A hen to enable it you have to launch the 635 hen then the 6.35 pro a updater. I discoverd when you play an iso and pause it then fully shut of your psp and then turn it back on (you'll be back on 6.35 ofw) then launch the paused iso for a second and the quit it you'll be on 6.35 PRO A. Does this mean the 6.35 PRO hen will be a 1 click launch in the future.
READ: ok I would highly think this has already been announced but still a cool discovery. (I am new to the psp scene so if I sound like some stupid noob sorry :P)


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