Author Topic: Heylas All.  (Read 1052 times)

Offline DuctTapedGoat

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Heylas All.
« on: February 17, 2011, 05:38:15 PM »

First time caller, long time listener.

Figured it's high time I post up in here. I haven't done any mods besides CFW and changing my trigger colors (no LED). I've mostly been kicking back, waiting for new CFWs and new plugins come out.

I do free computer repair because I truly believe in freedom of information, and can handle simple electronics work (resistors/leds etc), but I can't do chipbased or firmware based editing. Though I'd love to learn - I'm just not born to be a programmer. The best I can do is just open a PC game's launch .EXE in WordPad and scan until I see English words, usually there's some cool random leaked stuff in there, but nothing compared what the top guys programming for fun are able to get going.


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