the ps3 hacker known as Graf_chokolo (real name:Alexander Egorenkov) had his home raided under court order,is now being sued for what he did in retaliation to Sony’s seizure. He released all his tools for hacking the PS3 known collectively as the Hypervisor Bible,
Here’s what he had to say on the matter unedited, verbatim, and without corrections:
“The SONY’s laywer asked me why I’m doing what I’m doing, because of my hatred for SONY? He cannot understand why I’m doing it, because he is paid for what he does. I’m not. I don’t hold a grudge against SONY even now Hatred clouds your mind, keeps you from more important things. I have a better use for my mind and knowledge.
“So, SONY you failed again, you took my equipment but my mind is still free and you canot (sic) control it. You failed again. They are just tools, I can get new ones and will continue my HV reversing and bringing back PS3 Linux which you took from us. If you want me to stop then you should just kill me because I cannot live without programming, HV and Linux kernel hacking You know who am I and where I live, so come and get me!!!”
and so the inaugural Balls of Steel award has to go to this guy. It seems unlikely that Sony will be able to get money out of Egorenkov, but more likely that Sony is trying to scare other hackers into submission.
Sony's legal representatives thus say:
"The links above are being (mis-) used for offering copyright-infringing files by a hacker called Alexander Egorenkov, alias "Graf Chokolo". Our client has obtained an ex parte injunction by the competent Hamburg District Court (Docket no. 310 O 24/11) relating to content in these very files.
The amount in controversy has been set at 1,000,000 Euros. As per the court order, Mr. Egorenkov's apartment has been searched and the police have seized his equipment into custody. By uploading the file in question, Mr. Egorenkov willingly ignored a judge's order.
With receipt of this notice, you are fully aware of the fact that having Mr. Egorenkov continue his unlawful behavior will qualify as support of a criminal mind and - by court order - unlawful action.
Our client fully intends to vigorously pursue all available legal options to resolve this matter. We will report all file hosters, fora and platforms we have put on notice to the authorities and record continued support of Mr. Egorenkov if necessary."