Author Topic: The New Portal and News Page  (Read 2843 times)

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The New Portal and News Page
« on: January 11, 2010, 04:57:38 PM »
ok guys its been released seen as kicks found it because of my little mistake during setup lol. so i worked super speed to get it up and running and set up how we want it - there may be one or two minor tweaks as we see how its used and adapt it to best suit it.

it is a fully integrated portal which functions as the new news blog for the site and also at the bottom has an integrated shoutbox for people to chat and hang out in.

we are also setting up dedicated boards that correspond to the categories we have set up for the portal for blogs and media (and globals if they wish) to post articles in so that the articles are organised into the correct categories - so all new articles need posting here in the relevant category. This will also allow you the members to comment directly in the forum on the news articles.

The main portal page give you at a quick glance some information you may want to know like recent posts, whose online etc etc. as well as this info in the left hand side there are links to various bits of important information in regards to the site such as rules, guidelines, FAQ (coming soon) and the acidmods twitter feed.

We would like to thank all of you for you contributions to the site and continued support for us and welcome you to feel free to poke around the News page and we look forward to bringing further news and content to the page in the not to distant future.

The New news pages is located at it can also be accessed just by typing in the main forum page has moved to which can be also accessed by pressing the forum button at the top of the page.

Thank you

The Acidmods Team
« Last Edit: January 11, 2010, 05:18:17 PM by Mactastic Mendez »

i am not responsible for what i do or my advice

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