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--- Quote from: DuctTapedGoat on March 28, 2011, 03:37:31 AM ---The logic board is "married" (tech term) to your PS3s mainboard.

There's a way to remarry a logic board to your mainboard - I haven't done it, but there's plenty of people who have. I can try and do some Google-fu and find something, but your best bet is to either find a tut or find someone who's done it who will make a tut for you.

--- End quote ---

Best answer I have found :As long as the console is in the same family ie. CECH-xxxxA or something like that It should plug and play.

[Console Serial Number] + [Main circuit board ID] + [BD Drive] + [WLAN board (MAC address)] are bound together (HW-ID) in SCEI Server
PS3 service mode Jig set-up manual.pdf (page 22)

In a random comment on the interwebs.
This is what I'm going to begin looking into when I get back in 30 mins.

thanks , will find out if it works soon, either going to change the chips out to the board I have on the 20gb ps3 i had or wait to get this board from this guy and see if i can just pop it in and plug and play. has same numbers on board BMD-001 A3

Also what I read is that It can not be changed with service mode jig if it is past the firmware 3.55 and mine is 3.60.

Thanks for helping maybe together we can help others with the same problems.

3.55 jigs are a thorn in my side,

Ok, So I bought a new controller /logic board for my ps3 blu-ray drive. numbers matching and plug it in and everything works now except reads the disk, accepts the disk loads up and then no sign of  game play on the dashboard. so I have been searching all over the internet there is a way to flash the firmware as long as its below 3.56 on the ps3. There for I am on to the next step replacing the nano chip or BGA chip as  I found a video on you tube. thanks for all your help and hope this helps others and thanks to the guy in the video for showing us an easy way to change the chip.

Hope this helps anyone with this problem. when I get  the right paste here I will be attemping this myself and will let you know if I suceeded or failed wish me luck!

Things needed to do this below!
1. Heat Gun
2. Soldering Iron
3. Solder Paste (Sn 63/Pb 37)
4. Flux
5. Isopropyly Alcohol
6. Desoldering Braid

I also been told to dab the braid not roll it around like in  the video . just a note!


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