Hi guys,
First time registrator, long time lurker

I have a PSP Go here of which the pin connector is completely foobared (connector has been pushed in upside down and pushed and pushed). Nothing is intact inside this connector

Since I can't find a suitable replacement connector anywhere (if you have a shop in the benelux, please give me a shout), I was thinking of just solderiing a regular female usb connector to it for charging and data transfer purposes.
I have seen the other tread (dock mini usb adjustment) regarding some pinouts, but I cannot relate to it with regards on this internal pinout. If someone could be so kind as to mark which traces are the lines needed for my purpose (D-, D+, GND, 5V, anything else ? ) then I can have some use for this PSP Go again (not interested in video output).
Also, replacing the M2 connector with an MicroSD adapter ? Easy or not doable yet ?
Thanks in advance !