Author Topic: Fan mod revisited  (Read 792 times)

Offline Dcofer

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Fan mod revisited
« on: April 13, 2011, 06:58:11 PM »
So a while back I installed an extra 12v fan above the extra gpu heat sink on my box and the fan I had chosen put pressure onto the heat sink causing it to rrod again so I had relocated it onto the top of my box.  after a few months of looking at this I became unsatisfied with it so I busted out my rotozip and did some work on the fan housing.  This made the fan no longer hit the heat sink however the blades did slightly so I had to take a box cutter and shave a little off the blades.  all works now and it looks much cleaner.  Just wish I had a hole saw when I cut the fan hole but its not too bad.



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