Author Topic: to psp or not to psp :(  (Read 1460 times)

Offline cyberboy109

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to psp or not to psp :(
« on: March 02, 2011, 06:29:13 AM »
I used to own a psp 1000 and with the umd drive removed but i found it very painfull to hold after 5 mins  prob due to the fact i snapped my wrist a few years be4 hand bmxing, any way..iv never used any of the newer models and would like to play my 100+ umds  that iv had uploaded to my pc to play o a emuator thats eh naff on my pc,
since i suffer from pains in my wrist is it A, worth getting a newer psp and a grip....B get the psp go and use my ps3 pad connected to a tv but can i play my isos (i have the original umds i dont beleave in piracy)

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Re: to psp or not to psp :(
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2011, 10:36:56 AM »
Hmm... that's a tricky one... the slim models are definitely lighter and the psp go is :censored:ty for holding. (key's are smaller, etc...)

My uncle had the same question for me cuz he had an accident  years and years ago and only has three fingers on one hand (NOT including thumb)
 and realized that the go can be held with one hand and the other two models cant.

so with the go (which is discontinued as of a few days ago but is still in stores for now) you can switch hands if the pain get too bad.

hope this helped

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