Author Topic: RE-Flashing a Spoofed Drive (PLEASE HELP!!)  (Read 1952 times)

Offline MiZaCh

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RE-Flashing a Spoofed Drive (PLEASE HELP!!)
« on: June 24, 2011, 06:00:36 PM »
First of all I want to say thanks to anyone who can help me with this issue. It has become quite frusturating.

Ok so let me give you guys some quick information:

I had a two broken xbox's, one with a busted drive and another with RROD. I figured I could take the broken drive out and put in the new one from the RROD console.

So I had my friend flash my drive awhile back, and everything was fine until that new firmware was released. I didn't update my console, I simply left it offline.

Now I bought everything needed to flash a second time, but here is where I'm having problems... I don't have my old broken drive.

Do I need this in order to get the keys again? or do i just need my spoofed drive? I would like someone to explain to me in detail how this will work because every tutorial online is to flash a stock drive in your console, so I honestly have no clue what to do at all.

If someone can help me I will be very greatful :D

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Re: RE-Flashing a Spoofed Drive (PLEASE HELP!!)
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2011, 06:36:19 PM »
First of all I want to say thanks to anyone who can help me with this issue. It has become quite frusturating.

Ok so let me give you guys some quick information:

I had a two broken xbox's, one with a busted drive and another with RROD. I figured I could take the broken drive out and put in the new one from the RROD console.

So I had my friend flash my drive awhile back, and everything was fine until that new firmware was released. I didn't update my console, I simply left it offline.

Now I bought everything needed to flash a second time, but here is where I'm having problems... I don't have my old broken drive.

"Do I need this in order to get the keys again? or do i just need my spoofed drive? "I would like someone to explain to me in detail how this will work because every tutorial online is to flash a stock drive in your console, so I honestly have no clue what to do at all.

If someone can help me I will be very greatful :D

I believe you should be able to read the drive you have right now that works, the one that is already spoofed, once you read it you should be able to load the new firmware, same as the drive is now just need to match the keys the same. will have to load the key and then spoof as and load the orignal key that is on the drive right now. I have only done this one time and it worked for me.

If I am correct you would spoof it with the firmware that the drive is right now.

before doing  this make sure you hear from others who have done this to be on the safe side.  I am new at this well been doing it for 6 months but still little shaky at it.

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Offline MiZaCh

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Re: RE-Flashing a Spoofed Drive (PLEASE HELP!!)
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2011, 07:56:50 PM »
Alright thanks for your honesty, its much appreciated. Does anyone else know if what he says will work 100% or is there another method?? Or will it simply not work?


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