Author Topic: PS4 and X-Box 720 not until 2014?  (Read 2432 times)

Offline Crumbz

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PS4 and X-Box 720 not until 2014?
« on: May 01, 2011, 05:50:28 PM »

As you may already know...

Nintendo has been rumored to be releasing a new games console that is supposed to be the successor of the Wii, and will be released in the fall of this year. Now industry sources claim that Sony and Microsoft will not be following Nintendo's launch of a new game console as first thought.

Different sources told us that the fourth generation of the PlayStation and the third generation of the Xbox will not arrive on the market until 2014, and that the companies are planning on “squeezing” everything they can from their current consoles.

The launch of the new controllers, the Move for the PS3 and the Kinect to the Xbox 360 suggests that the two companies do have plans to continue support for their current consoles into the foreseeable future. Because if they were going to release new consoles anytime soon they would have launched the new controllers along with them.

Although if Nintendo does release a new console that is more powerful then the PS3 or the X-Box 360. Sony and Microsoft may need to expedite the next gen consoles. Both of their current consoles contain outdated hardware's and different developers claim that the outdated consoles "limit development of games".

If 2014 is indeed the year in which we’ll see the next generations of the consoles, it will make the current console generation the longest generation of game consoles in history. Normally such a “generation” lasts between five to seven years but it is now expected to last between 8-9 years.

So for those of you who were hoping for a new PlayStation or X-Box console in the near future. It looks like you'll have to wail a little longer.

- TwistedMind33
« Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 07:16:12 PM by TwistedMind33 »

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Re: PS4 and X-Box 720 not until 2014?
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2011, 09:17:13 PM »
I wouldn't be surprised if the next consoles were $400-$500 range for the first year of release.

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Re: PS4 and X-Box 720 not until 2014?
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2011, 09:31:03 PM »
i wouldn't be surprised at all if they stayed that price for the whole year. i wonder if they'll change the game format to something like the NGP cartridge? it would allow high capacity games and no scratches. and faster load times

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Re: PS4 and X-Box 720 not until 2014?
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2011, 09:35:24 PM »
oh good god i can't imagine spending $500 on a console.


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