Author Topic: Black Ops PS3 gets double XP weekend  (Read 2796 times)

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Black Ops PS3 gets double XP weekend
« on: May 20, 2011, 08:24:57 AM »

for those that did not know when the psn was down the double points was on for the weekend now here is the psn ones.

Treyarch has announced that this upcoming weekend, PS3 gamers will have an opportunity to rack up some double experience points as  they announced a double XP weekend for Call of Duty: Black Ops gamers.

The event will start this today, May 20th and will last until Tuesday, May 24th. As an added treat,  Treyach will also include the Nuketown 24/7 playlist for the event.

"As the double-XP date loomed nearer, more and more PlayStation gamers wondered if they’d be able to take part in the festivities, and Treyarch – developer of Black Ops – swore to fans that they would not be forgotten," reads a statement posted by Dan Amrich, Activision's Social Media Manager. "This weekend, they’re quickly making good on that promise, with a double-XP period that lasts from this Friday, May 20th at 10am all the way through the weekend and beyond – the good stuff keeps coming until 10am on Tuesday the 24th. What’s more, that’s going to be even sweeter thanks to a Nuketown 24/7 playlist that’s being added just for the event. Nuketown is my favorite map because it’s small and chaotic – and the close confines often result in high kill counts, which can really push you to the next level of Prestige in a hurry during a bonus XP weekend. It’s a fast, intense map – but don’t let that stop you from uncovering some of Nuketown’s hidden secrets."

In other news, Treyarch has confirmed that the long awaited Escalation map pack, will be available for PC gamers on  June 2nd, with the PS3 release to follow shortly. The latest map pack, released last month on the Xbox 360 includes four new multiplayer maps (Hotel, Convoy, Zoo, and Stockpile) and the new Zombie map (Call of the Dead).

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« Last Edit: May 20, 2011, 01:34:51 PM by whitetop »
come to the rite place if you kiss admins as they promote you to admin.


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