Author Topic: Looking for help with trimming the wii.  (Read 1671 times)

Offline BoFoSho

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Looking for help with trimming the wii.
« on: June 15, 2011, 11:08:55 PM »
Hello, I come from another modding forum called Modretro.
I am looking for people who know their way around the Wii hardware or people that have dead Wiis they could spare for a little project i am working on.

So the project i am working on is the first portable wii but the more interesting part is how small I can get the Wii.
I have all the parts for the portable coming in the mail and know my way around the n64 just not he Wii. I contributed somewhat in making the smallest n64 moherboard. My friend Beta did 99% of the work i just did he cutting and wiring.

So anybody can help me out by donating a broken/dead Wii or their time and knowledge?
Please PM me if interested
You will get more than your share of credit and thanks if you help.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
- Bo


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