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i need some help guys

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well guys i painted my xb360 a cherry red with black looks awesome but i had bad expediences with the clear coat
it always always always comes out like crap either bubbles or everytime i spray a thin coat little tiny bumps come out and say i shoot a heavy coat it runs like crazy

ps i always used the clear from spray cans i always make sure everything is clean but i always get the same results wth am i doing wrong i finally got my case nice but dont wanna ruin it trying to clear coat it

someone told me use laquer or something any suggestions help comments are welcome  :drunk:

make sure u spry atr a far distance and make sure the suface is cleaned and sanded with a 220 grit paper

so do i shoot multiple coats from a  far distance?

Light coats , keep it back a ways is what toad was saying  and light coats amd try to keep them even, wait about 15 minutes between coats , you dont want it to build up fast, you will end up having alot of problems if you do, make sure you sand it first and then clean it very good before starting.

heres some videos

faceplate 360

Just read the instructions on the can


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