Author Topic: Looking to make some modifications to my PSP-1001  (Read 1051 times)

Offline KrAzYJC

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Looking to make some modifications to my PSP-1001
« on: June 29, 2011, 09:52:53 PM »
Hello, i'm new to the modding scene and I am looking to get some tips on what I should start with as a first mod. I have a PSP-1001 that i want to put into a clear casing, install sound reactive LED's and possibly take out the UMD drive and put something else (speakers possibly) in it's place. I am getting 2 broken PSP 3000's next week and I am probably going to try and modify those also. So if anyone has any pointers for a beginner please tell me. Thanks, I am glad to be a part of these forums.

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Re: Looking to make some modifications to my PSP-1001
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2011, 10:41:14 PM »
Hello, i'm new to the modding scene and I am looking to get some tips on what I should start with as a first mod. I have a PSP-1001 that i want to put into a clear casing, install sound reactive LED's and possibly take out the UMD drive and put something else (speakers possibly) in it's place. I am getting 2 broken PSP 3000's next week and I am probably going to try and modify those also. So if anyone has any pointers for a beginner please tell me. Thanks, I am glad to be a part of these forums.
well welcome man!! well u already know what u want (put into a clear casing, install sound reactive LED's and possibly take out the UMD drive and put something else (speakers possibly) in it's place.)  as a beginner i recomend to start on triggers working on the triggers will help u to get confortable and familiar with the areas on the psp  :yess: u going to need some resistors some 30awg kynar wires a solder station minimum of 40watt a small glue gun oh n the leds lol.  theres tons of post around here than can help u just type in on search bar and u will get some results  :victory: feel free to look on my posts for some ideas on making a cool psp  :hifive:

Offline KrAzYJC

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Re: Looking to make some modifications to my PSP-1001
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2011, 11:44:06 PM »
How much do trigger mods usually end up costing when its all done and over with?


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