Author Topic: amd fusion chipset + older gaming ??  (Read 1340 times)

Offline cyberboy109

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amd fusion chipset + older gaming ??
« on: July 12, 2011, 02:12:11 PM »
I was looking at the amd fusion itx boards,
duel 1.6ghz/1.8ghz
amd 6310 intergrated graphics
ram can be anything from 8gb max on some boards go to 16gb 1333mhz.
Now I always wanted to have a smaller pc for basic pc tasks and older gaming so do you think this board is oki
dawn of war (first series)
diablo 1/2 +expansion
AvP Gold
C&C (first decade)

I tried to do some research all I got was people using them for media and servers, when it came to gaming It was all high end gaming itxs with seprate graphics cards and itx boards with I7 cpus.
I actually found was 1 person had resident evil 5 running at 30fps, but this hasnt answerd much.
All I want is a small pc than I can play the odd old game and psx emulator (i own the games) and other basic pc tasks

This would be my pc spec
antek isk 300 150 watt psu
amd fusion board
2 x 2gb of ram
2 x ssd (xp or 7 and ubuntu)
slim line dvd/cd rw


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