Author Topic: Peltier cooled xbox 360  (Read 4705 times)

Offline crazy-modder

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Peltier cooled xbox 360
« on: July 15, 2011, 10:45:47 PM »
Me and CMM were talking about peltier coolers about a week ago and i decided to order a couple and see how they work in an xbox. I bought a couple 40mm 5A coolers that were only like $12 for 2 of em. If your on a budget and want a cold running xbox then this is the way to go. I didnt even need to use a potentiometer on these to prevent it from freezing cause the regular heat from the gpu keeps it warm enough from freezing. I installed it in a xenon jtag with v2 heatsinks from a jasper. The gpu runs at a steady 46-49°C. Liquid cooling runs at about 33°C. It doesnt get as cold as liquid cooling but is a great alternative if your on a budget since liquid coolin is really expensive. I know it doesnt look really neat and tidy, i was just experimenting with it today and didnt want to try and make it look super nice.


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Re: Peltier cooled xbox 360
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2011, 10:50:31 PM »
Going to have to try this one, so many ways it could be used. great job, and nicely done for the little bit of time it looks great

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Re: Peltier cooled xbox 360
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2011, 04:27:21 AM »
Uh, Crazy, it looks like you put the peltier on the backside of a heatpipe. Its supposed to be on the CPU directly.

Think of it like tis. The peltier just creates a difference of temp on its opposing sides. It doesnt care if the 'cold' side is 10 degrees or 200. It will make the hot side hotter than that. So its alot like running an airconditioner. It creates cold air on the condenser, and the coil gets hot. The coil is on the outside of the building. If you run it during the winter time, the AC is not more efficient just because the air outside is freezing.

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Don't be jealous your not half as smart. I hate ****tards like you. An ignorant redneck. Your nothing but a posing ******. Get the **** out of here, really, your claim to fame is an open source rapid fire code? You make me laugh. You think you have control over the modding market?  You couldn't create what I can and do. You are too ignorant with your outrageous assumptions and accusations. [/Quote]

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Re: Peltier cooled xbox 360
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2011, 05:06:10 AM »
Good idea crazy, Like Hazer said, they should be directly on a chip. If there is a way to mod an oem heat sink to put one of these peliters inside the sink, the sink would carry away the extra heat and your chip will be ice cold. You should be seeing temps lower than water.

Offline crazy-modder

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Re: Peltier cooled xbox 360
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2011, 08:58:43 AM »
Yeah i know there supposed to be directly on the chip. But it also works on a heatsink if your low on space. If i put it directly on the chip, i will have to do an external dvd drive. Im still not done experimenting with this so i will eventually try that and see how it works.


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