Author Topic: Best Wii Soft Mods.  (Read 7789 times)

Offline ViSioNXx

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Best Wii Soft Mods.
« on: October 08, 2012, 07:24:50 AM »
I have not been on this forum long but I have noticed a lack of tutorials for modding the software of Nintendo Wii.  Since there are several good tutorials on the web that are much better than what I could write, This will not be a tutorial as much as a collective set of links to the latest and greatest soft mods for Wii.  :#1:

This guide is to help you make and play legal backups only!! Neither Acidmods nor I am responsible for how you use this info.

To soft mod

As I said there are a lot of tuts and ways to do this but The best I have found would be located here..

source: via Mauifrogs guide

With any tutorial unless you are very familiar with Wii, then I would suggest reading the whole tut a couple times just to get the feel of what you are doing. DO NOT SKIP ANYTHING!! 

What will I have, or be able to do after this??

If you followed this guide to the letter you will now have the abilities to back up and play all your wii and gamecube games. You should have a couple apps to get you started. The easiest IMO being Wiiflow. The first time loading this app and it will ask you the basic settings you would like. Should not be a problem for anyone here.

Ok so i get all that but what else can I do??

Well after installing wad manager and Homebrew the possibilities are almost endless. Here are a few links to some other stuff that you may want to try or find helpfull.


This is a compiled list of emulators for wii. Follow directions in readme's or on home pages for installs. Roms can be googled[/spoiler]


Here is a list of apps for homebrew. Take a minute to look these over as you may want to try some of these.

Wiiware tittles?

I am not sure if I am allowed to post this link I can say a quick google of "wiiware downloads" will turn up a great source. [/spoiler]
Wiiware titles are a bit more dangerous to use. They come in the form of .wad files which will install as channels. You must have wadmanager or equivalent to install these. (if you followed the tut above this is no problem

Streaming movies? connecting HDD's? anything else...?

To stream movies from pc use MPlayerWii

To hook up your hdd just plug it in via USB and set wiiflow to read from it.
As for the rest just have a look around google or any of the other links I have supplied. Soft modding the Wii was the best thing I ever done since I have 2 young kids that do not understand disks are fragile.

Tut was ..Ok but .. how do i rip my games to HDD or pc

Hahah I almost forgot this part.

To rip to wii just put in your game, open Wiiflow, then go to the gear icon. This should give you the option to "install game". This will rip the game to wherever you have Wiiflow set to read your game partition.

To PC..
There are a few programs around for this but I recommend Wiibackup manager
This program will help you move files to hdd from pc and vice versa. NO CONVERTING NEEDED. This will read almost any file type and move to game partition while converting on the fly.
I recommend picking up this program soon after you are done with the soft mod. Using this to format your hdd to wbfs file syatem wil allow greater compression of your games on the hdd therefore allowing more to be stored.

Thanks to..
Special thanks to wiihacks and gbatemp for the tuts and software links. Also thanks to wiibrew for the "wiki" style list of apps and info.

I hope some one gets some use from this small "tut"
Any other questions or suggestions can be posted and I will do my best to answer or fix issues.
Thanks for looking :)


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