ok so some1 asked me to fix their dead psp
no charge light or power up
so i set about the motherboard as i know sony like to put fuses on these sukkers.
i removed all of the shielding as to find the fuses and what coudl possibly be fuses.
i hope some1 can verify what fuses are for what.
ive marked the pics and will put voltage references.
please note this is a faulty board (NO POWER)

ok in the above pic we have pin1 of the battery port, with my charger plugged into the board i get a pulsing of 4.35 volts to this pin which i believe is correct. with the battery plugged in its a constant 4.20v.
point1 could be a zero ohms resistor and i get 4.2v either side.

the above pic has 2 distinct points and are both fuses i believe and both marked with the letter "L"
point 1 is a 1A fuse marked F7001 1A
point 2 is a 1A fuse marked F7002 1A
point 2 i get 5.23 volts either side so i think this fuse is OK
point 1 i get 0 volts either side !!!!!!!!!!!!! < i believe replacing this fuse will do anything for the PSP as there is no voltage either side !!!!

the above pic has 2 distinct points 1 a fuse and the other im not too sure about !
point 1 being a 1A fuse marked with the letter "L"
point 1 being a 1A fuse marked as F4001
point 2 im not sure about
point 1 "L" i get 5.23 volts either side. - OK

the above pic has 2 distinct fuses.
point 1 is a 0.5A fuse marked with the letter "F"
point 2 is a 2.5A fuse marked with the letter "T"
point 1 "F" i get 5.23 volts either side - OK
point 2 "T" i get 5.23 volts either side - OK
ok so these are my findings, i did this cos i cannot find anything anywhere about this TA-091 motherboard and its fuses
please note most of fuses are hidden under the shielding.
if you have had any findings please post up so people can learn from this.
i know the GO has been out a while but i just thougth it may help us at some point.
ps i think my fault is with pic 2 point 1 and the surrounding area as no voltage to either side of the fuse gets me thinking !!!!
also checking the switch i believe that too is working fine.