Author Topic: psp phat with regular battery and 2 slim batterys  (Read 1284 times)

Offline DARk_ANGEL

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psp phat with regular battery and 2 slim batterys
« on: July 06, 2011, 07:50:13 PM »
i have to psp slim batterys and want to put them in the umd drive area but do not know howto wire them

anyone that knows please help im trying to get this done

Offline Sammy

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Re: psp phat with regular battery and 2 slim batterys
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2011, 09:18:00 PM »
I read that its not possible someone had the same question and they told him it wouldnt work, heres a link

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Offline DARk_ANGEL

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Re: psp phat with regular battery and 2 slim batterys
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2011, 12:03:34 PM »
ok thanx

Offline zack247

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Re: psp phat with regular battery and 2 slim batterys
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2011, 01:05:13 AM »
i wouldnt say its impossible, just might be a little difficult is all.
just wire up the +'s and -'s of the slim battery cells to the + and - of the phats battery cell. (the grey lithium ion cell inside the plastic battery case)

did something similar on a cheap ipod lookalike and ive had no problems, it would just take longer to charge 3 batteries than one. but a total of 4200Mah would be pretty sick. that would be a couple days playing time for me, and i'd do it had i not used up my umd drive space for other mods.

but still i doubt its impossible.

i read the forum that sammy linked to and the brokenroses guy has no idea what hes talking about.
on my ipod lookalike i replaced the original 550Mah battery with a 1200Mah slim one, but just the cell, i soldered the cell onto the original battery's circuit board, and other than taking longer to fully charge, i have had no adverse effects, now i get about 2 days playing time for my music.
the same thing would be done here, except instead of replacing the battery with one of a higher Mah value, you are simply adding more batteries to achieve a higher Mah value.
laptop batteries are built that way, in mine each battery cell is 2200Mah@1.2v, and so they put 2 cells in parallel to get 4400Mah@1.2v.

capacitors are often used in the same way as well, if you look on a motherboad for a computer you will notice several capacitors connecting the same two planes, its just to increase the capitance so the voltages are filtered out.

i would probably want to do it with either 3 slim or 3 phat cells though since the 1200Mah cells will run ou of juice before the 1800Mah one and it might confuse the psp.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 01:16:02 AM by zack247 »
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