i finally got some money gathered up to start my modding on my controllers. but i keep looking around for like the shells and what not.i could use some help with the websites there.but i've also been looking into this instafire luminatin thumbsticks is that good?
littel mods to spice it up.like changing the ring color.making the x,y,ba buttons light up and even the bumpers ,triggers and thumbsticks light up.
the main thing wrong with my controllers is the trigger buttons dont always respond.for example you hit it about three times to block in mortal kombat it will only resopond one if your lucky.i never really had time to look inside the controller to see what is really wrong but if you guys have a idea how i can fix it please tell.
im waiting for my screwdriver to come in to open up the controller.
if you guys could help me with this ill really be happy.
and thank you guys for helpping me out with this
much is aprecated