Author Topic: psp 1000 acting dead, cannot pandora, plz help?  (Read 2341 times)

Offline tattmann

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psp 1000 acting dead, cannot pandora, plz help?
« on: December 22, 2011, 07:10:53 AM »
Hi, i have an issue similar to a few others on here, but could not find a workable fix. Hopefully someone can help. I had a few motherboards set asiide for future projects, when my cfw psp 1000 decided to die out with help from my son. So, i broke them out and began again. I put one board iin, and it had sound issues that i tried fixing, and finally gave up as they just got worse. So, i moved to my last board. Its a ta081 board. Its acting bricked. Try to turn on, black screen, stays on, etc. However, mms and pandora wont work. The card reader wont light up. I have the mms in, hold trigger button, drop in pandora hardmod battery and the psp power light comes on, no action on reader, then power light goes off. Yhe mms and battery worked fine on the other motherboard the day before, but not this one. I took it back apart, and changed out the card reader, and still no change. Black screen, no card reader action, and power goes off after about 5 seconds. Can someone please give me some ideas what to check next? Thank you for reading, i apppreciate any advice. Thanks.

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Re: psp 1000 acting dead, cannot pandora, plz help?
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2011, 07:29:07 AM »
How old is the motherboard that has the pandora issue? Because i have a psp 1000 motherboard that has the same issue.

Did you try booting the psp with no mms or battery? And are thier perhaps plugins on the mms tht are not compatible with psp 1000?

Give those a try and see if they help.

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Re: psp 1000 acting dead, cannot pandora, plz help?
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2011, 09:13:05 AM »
I think it could be an issue with changing motherboards as the mobo is paired with the daughterboard(that would explain the sound problems) and since the card reader is also on the daughterboard it could be possible that the mobo and the daughterboard are not compatible with each other.

Again I could be wrong though
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Offline tattmann

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Re: psp 1000 acting dead, cannot pandora, plz help?
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2011, 11:02:35 AM »
Hi, i left a reply but it didnt show up. Thanks for replies, as to the mobo age, i dont know. It does not appear to have damage of any kind, as to water or any in general. It is a ta-081, and it just acts dead. With or without mms stick or pandora. Regular battery, turn it on, lights up power green, but no sound, or screen, or card reader action. As to sound, with the other mobo, it had sound on left speaker but buzzing on rt. Umd didnt work either. However, it too. Cfw with my pandora and mms yesterday so, i dont think its the reader. I had 2 readers, and have tried both, both being ms299 that should be the one for my mobo. When using pandora, no card reader action, power lights up for about 5 seconds then power off.  Would mobo battery possibly cause this? Its like it just gets power, but nothing thru bios to fire up and access card reader. Any help again is appreciated. Thanks.


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