Author Topic: RGLoader reset glitch progress  (Read 1856 times)

Offline 3D0kassiah

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RGLoader reset glitch progress
« on: October 11, 2011, 06:08:31 AM »

A Reset Glitch Hack project that goes by the name of RGLoader is nearing completion. RGLoader is a loader that will allow you to load a hacked kernel on your Xbox 360 console via the Glitch. The purpose of the loader is the same as a rebooter for JTAG consoles. Take a look at the progress:

UPDATE: 30/09/2011: We've managed to get 13599 kernel loaded on a jasper! It was actually a silly mistake with fixing CF's pairing, but now that's fixed we can move on :)
I checked if it was 13599 loading by forcing VdDisplayFatalError to always display E99
A patch loader is being written at this time (beta: Patch Loader), hopefully we'll have it booting very soon :D
E79 is shown when using an Xell image (expected since it overwrites an XEX) but christmas lights show with stock, this is because of manufacturing mode being activated by one of the bootloaders.
Our current targets are to get the kernel running on each board revision and then write up a patch loader that reads the patches from NAND. We've managed to make a patch loader which can read the patches from within CD but we're having problems reading them from NAND, if anyone wants to give us a hand it would be very helpful :)

Tracey: f off Rodent
rodent:i would of flew it to bill gates and shoved it up his a$$


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