Author Topic: Lighting the A B X Y buttons  (Read 1070 times)

Offline SandorV

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Lighting the A B X Y buttons
« on: September 27, 2011, 07:56:15 AM »
hey guys, so i'm starting my first led mod, lighting the A B X Y buttons with the corresponding colors, only I can't seem to get the brightness the same of the LEDs,
I'm using 3mm leds, in blue, red, yellow and green.

These are the leds:
red :

I have multiple boards to use, cg1 and cg2, no matrix. How should I do this? Red is VERY bright, while blue is hardly on.

I'm the biggest noob in this stuff, i know what a led and a resistor is, and how to solder, but that's about it :D

Someone drew this up for me to use:

Thanks for helping me out!

Offline 3D0kassiah

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Re: Lighting the A B X Y buttons
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2011, 12:24:25 PM »
why didnt u just use white leds ?
Tracey: f off Rodent
rodent:i would of flew it to bill gates and shoved it up his a$$


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