Author Topic: Amazon's Kindle Fire Sparking Controversy  (Read 2928 times)

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Amazon's Kindle Fire Sparking Controversy
« on: October 16, 2011, 12:27:03 AM »
The Kindle Fire hasn’t even been released yet; and the device has already sparked ‘controversy’ over the devices ‘split-browser’ known as Amazon’s Silk Browser.

The split-browser technology used on the upcoming Kindle Fire is tailored as being much faster than traditional web browsing. This is due to the fact that web activity gets filtered through Amazon’s cloud service. What has become controversial about the device is that it would be possible for Amazon to then monitor everything its user does on the web, as well as keep a permanent record of the user’s activities.

This topic having already been an established fact with Apple’s iPhone devices storing large amounts of tracking data about its users.

The Kindle Fire’s Silk Browser has become so questionable to some individuals; that the United States Congress has become involved. Specifically named is Representative Ed Markey. Jeff Bezos the CEO of Amazon was sent a letter on behalf of Mr. Markey, asking specific questions about the silk browser.

“What information does Amazon plan to collect about users of the Kindle Fire?”

“How does Amazon intend to use this information?”

“Does Amazon plan to sell, rent or otherwise make available this customer information to outside companies? If yes, to which firms?”

“How will Amazon convey its privacy policy to Fire and Silk users? Please provide Amazon's privacy policy covering the Kindle Fire, if available.”

“If Amazon plans to collect information about its users' Internet browsing habits, will customers be able to affirmatively opt in to participate in the data sharing program?”

Amazon has updated the frequently asked questions for the Kindle Fire here. As well as announcing that the split browser function can be turned off at anytime.


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