Author Topic: AMD Overclocks FX-8150 to 8.4GHz  (Read 2614 times)

Offline frenulem - No.5417

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AMD Overclocks FX-8150 to 8.4GHz
« on: September 14, 2011, 03:02:53 PM »

That's right AMD have managed to make an 8-core FX-8150 reach a spead of 8.429GHz which smashes the previous speed and given it a world record. Overclocked by Team of AMD techs and overclocking gurus, obviously this means that AMD are bragging about this to further the hype of the FX-8150 due to release some time this year

"The record-breaking processor speed that resides in the AMD FX CPU clearly demonstrates performance gains for the new AMD ‘Bulldozer’ multi-core architecture, which will provide x86 computing power for this CPU and future AMD Accelerated Processing Units," said Chris Cloran, corporate vice president and general manager, Client Group at AMD. "Along with world-record frequencies, the AMD FX processor will enable an unrivaled enthusiast PC experience for the money –
extreme multi-display gaming, mega-tasking and HD content creation."

Ok, Granted that getting to 8GHz requires liquid nitrogen, if you're into the liquid nitrogen scene, AMD claims it witnessed "no cold bug, the bane of overclockers, which often stops modern processors from functioning in extremely cold conditions." Though it required liquid nitrogen (as insanely high overclocks often do), and even liquid helium, AMD says this proves the "AMD FX CPU is a clock eating monster, temporarily able to withstand extreme conditions to achieve amazing speed."

But if you don't want to have your computer desk looking like a music concert then with a -$100 water cooling system you can reach 5.00GHz, and water cooling is not out of reach if acidmodders in any way.

The new Bulldozer Processors have been tipped to start a preorder at $266, AMD has no official prices as of yet.

« Last Edit: September 14, 2011, 05:54:41 PM by GhoSt_Death »

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Re: AMD Overclocks FX-8150 to 8.4GHz
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2011, 06:22:07 AM »
Thats frickin sweet cant wait till it come out i know what im upgrading my proccesser too lol

Offline 1TONpete

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Re: AMD Overclocks FX-8150 to 8.4GHz
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2011, 11:26:31 AM »
When i first got my new pc, I really enjoyed pushing my sytem to its limits for clocking. My current set up is air cooled, so the most i clock my 2.6quad core2 is 3g. But when I was running liquid I was around 4g. Stable. My point is this,  most consumers and even pc gurus wont see much performance boost out of just over clocking. I wish hdd's would catch up to the technology of the rest of the pc. Right now most bottle necking occurs at the hdd. Ssd drives need to be standard. Not a luxury item. 

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Re: AMD Overclocks FX-8150 to 8.4GHz
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2011, 11:29:04 AM »
When i first got my new pc, I really enjoyed pushing my sytem to its limits for clocking. My current set up is air cooled, so the most i clock my 2.6quad core2 is 3g. But when I was running liquid I was around 4g. Stable. My point is this,  most consumers and even pc gurus wont see much performance boost out of just over clocking. I wish hdd's would catch up to the technology of the rest of the pc. Right now most bottle necking occurs at the hdd. Ssd drives need to be standard. Not a luxury item.

Solid state drives dont last long. I had a brand new 30GB WD solid state for a year and it crapped out.

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Re: AMD Overclocks FX-8150 to 8.4GHz
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2011, 08:51:29 AM »
well, SSD have a set number of reads and writes they're rated for. so do HDD but HDD is a looot more
anyway all drives are made to be disposable, and currently the SSD are made more disposable than HDD. there are of course things you can do to help it last longer (like with any HDD) move your page file to a flash drive (USB 2 or 3) might slow page access with 2 a little bit but will add life to your HDD.

with HDD of course you dont want to move it, but with either of them the more ram the better, because it can pull the program from the drive once then be good to go
Stolen from f00kz


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