Author Topic: Need a good serious coder for Xbox 360 rapid fire! Will pay a reasonable price!  (Read 1469 times)

Offline gamemodscentral

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Hey guys, i am new to this site and i have't really introduces myself, I am a business on Ebay, no surprise right? Well I know and almsot certain I am not the only one who comes here and asks for codes jsut to sell them, and i know i'm not the only one who requests codes. But I will be willing to pay a  very high price, or reasonable, depending on what the coder thinks is good for the work he/she has done. I want serious people only!

So to get to the modes!

I want a 12 mode rapid fire hex, if possible!

Mode 1: Calll of duty black ops
Mode 2 : Modernware 2 , cod4, cod5
Mode 3: Akimbo rapid fire for mw2 and black ops
Mode 4: Mimic mw2 black ops
mode5: zombies auto aim
mode6: dropshot with rapid fire
mode 7: dropshot without rapid fire
mode 8: Active reload for gow3
mode 9: Jitter (if possible)
mode 10: Burst mod
mode 11: Gow3 gow2 Hammerburst rapid fire
Mode 12: User repogrammable mode

I don't know if all of this is possible, but if it is and if anyone is willing to make me these hex codes, I will talk it over with you and we will discuess a price!




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