Hey all

I am new here, and i couldn't find a search button, so sorry if this has been asked already
I am searching for a high quality replacement housing with buttons and surrounding parts. I am really scared of buying something that doesn't even fit properly, not to mention looks ugly, as i had some experience in buying a so called "White" housing, witch was actually silver and first of all didn't fit properly, second of all looked disgustingly ugly and the O button was hard to push as hell. Also the paint job was horrible and the "Memory Stick Duo" text on the ms cover was all blurred out, basically it was the biggest possible waste for 24$ + shipping. I must say though that the free analog n00b included was of excellent quality.
Anyways, i seen a lot of videos on youtube, where people had transparent housings and i kind of want to get one, but i am afraid of buying something of such low quality as the other housing i bought.
I am thinking of buying something like this:
http://ziquexstore.com/mac/psp-1000-cblue-full-housing-shell-faceplate-grade-aa.htmlAlso i tried looking for some product reviews on amazon, such as here:
http://www.amazon.com/Clear-Blue-Housing-Shell-Replacement-Button/dp/B003U4INFMbut there isn't any worthwhile information about quality there, except some noobs b*tching about how hard it is to do the replacement.
Can anyone post a link with a full housing, maybe the transparent one but one that would be of perfect quality?
I am willing to spend up to 50$ for it.
Thanks in advance