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Now that's what the PSP should have been like in the first place. Good job!
it looks good. i'm just wondering what still needs to be worked on? since i'm planning on getting some work would be sweet if i could get this new version.
Ok for all of you wondering, We are waiting on Neubit to ship us the proto type boards. The reason we are saying it is a work in progress is because we hand made the circuit boards with plastic, conductive tape, conductive pen and wire because the proto type is very fragile it degrades with every test meaning the fuctionality gets worse everytime we use it. When and If Neubit sends us the proto PCB's we would be able to send them out to be mass produced.. We cannot send the bluprints to the PCB manufacture because it is a one time shot meaning they won't make just one board for use to test to make sure they got the dimentions spot on. so if we sent the PCB manufacturers an actual PCB from Neubit there will be no margin for error. Now that you know whats going on maybe you can understand why it is taking so long.
that looks soo sweet, completely what the PSP should have looked like! Can't wait for the final design, would it help if you knew how many you were definitely going to sell?