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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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--- Quote from: snowcolt17 on November 27, 2011, 01:38:50 PM ---looks good. what level are you

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38 or 39 I haven't played in a few days. been busy lol an awesome game tho.

total time played for me is 10 hours. and im only level 12 wtf lol


--- Quote from: snowcolt17 on November 27, 2011, 06:24:35 PM ---total time played for me is 10 hours. and im only level 12 wtf lol

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I have 86 hours play time total. My first day I had 12 hours straight.


--- Quote from: PsychoticWolf on November 27, 2011, 07:37:38 PM ---I have 86 hours play time total. My first day I had 12 hours straight.

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Look's like snowcolt17 has alot of catching up today, I just talked to PyschoticWolf and he said he has over a 100 hours played .... thats a poop load of hours   :taunt:  :rofl: where do you find the time for that many hours played in a game?  when do you have time to poop? lmfao

lol Funny Rodie. Snow check this. Pssh Breaks for Drinking and Restroom don't eat much when I game.


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