Buy From iTunesOfficial SiteThe Game: GodFingerThe System: iPhone/iPod/iPadThe price: Free!The final review: 4.5 / 5Read More to See the Review...Description:A plucky little iPhone game where you gain followers and play god.
Review:We've been seeing a lot of this kind of game recently - the farmville-esque subgenre in which the player controls the game's events from a birds-eye view. The game itself allows players to use Mana powers, such as Rain, Lightning, Sunshine, and Earth to mould the planet and gain followers. Throughout the game, you advance in level by completing golas, such as buying a certain building, or placing decorations.
The game's cute graphics do the game justice and offer a (semi-)unique experience. The Sound Effects and Music Match the gameplay well. The best thing is, you can pick it up for 5 minutes, put it down, and come back when it notifies you of gold or excess of mana. The Game also utilises the Plus+ System for Adding friends to orbit your own planet. You can also give gifts to these friends, and 'bless' their followers.
There are very issues apart from the iPhone (<3GS) and iPod (<3G) framerate problems due to lack of RAM and processing power.
A Fun Game, will last a long time, and best of all free!
Cute graphics and lots of fun options to customize your planet
The Game allows the use of the Plus+ Service to add friends' planets to your orbit and send giftsPros and Cons + Brilliant Graphics Work
+ Addictive
+ Updated Often
- Slow on older iPhones and iPods