Acidmods Shop Area > shop feedback

Long Live the King!!


Mike is the man!

Acid mods offers the best Customer Service.
Haven't had such personal attention from a business in a long time.

Mike is known as KingMike for a reason. The man knows his sh*t!
Not only did he help me with my order, but provided me with so much more information that I wasn't aware of.

I find it impossible that Mike/ AcidMods would ever have a dissatisfied customer. I just don't see that ever happening.

If you are unsure of order from AcidMods, you have nothing to fear. You are in good hands.

I will be ordering from AcidMods for all my future modding needs.
I don't even care if it's a few bucks more, Mike will/has bent over backwards to guarantee customer satisfaction.
It's worth it to not have to worry about a single thing.

Long Live the King!

Keep up the AMAZING work!!

I'm going to do a write up of my entire process (it was a process) but the results were nothing but PERFECT!


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