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NES labels with ps3 game designs request.


I am looking for some input on designs to fit the nes label. The designs are to be ps3 game based... and I need 3 designs done... 1 ps3 shooting games. 2 PS3 sports/racing. 3 kids games...
The nes label is 2 parts. the top of the design will fold over the front and will have the label of the cartridge on it. This part is upside down.
The label is 3.5" tall and is 2" wide. portrait orientation.
 I would really love some help here guys. I don't have time to handle every part of this. btw this is for this build ...,40868.msg308021.html#msg308021
what I got so far...
ratio is correct.

lil better...

see attached for style I'm looking for.


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