Author Topic: Trick to Get Verizon Unlimited Data Plan For Your iPhone  (Read 2478 times)

Offline Frosty

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Trick to Get Verizon Unlimited Data Plan For Your iPhone
« on: January 07, 2012, 10:13:57 AM »

Verizon followed AT&T's footsteps and killed their unlimited data plans for their smartphone (including iPhone) customers on July 7th, 2011.
      But looks like some Verizon customers have figured out a way to trick the system to get the unlimited data plan. Surprisingly, it seems to also work for customers who purchased the iPhone after Verizon had stopped offering the unlimited data plans.
Folks at Slick Deals has posted a step-by-step guide to switch to the unlimited data plan, which according to the forum thread seems to have worked for some Verizon customers.

 1.Dial *611 from your Verizon phone, or 1-800-922-0204 from any phone.
2.Wait for computer CSR to go through the main menu. You will need your Verizon phone # and account PIN or last 4 of SSN.
3.Hit option 4.
4.When it asks you what you would like to do today say “Add a feature.”
5.If you have a 3G device (which includes all iPhones): Say you would like to add the $20 2GB 3G Mobile Hotspot FEATURE to your phone If you have a 4G device: Say you would like to add the $30 Unlimited 4G Mobile Hotspot FEATURE to your phone. According to…r-account/ , they may be able to locate this feature via referencing feature code #76153.
6.Your data plan will now be the $29.99 unlimited data plan, and you’ll have either the 2GB or unlimited Mobile Hotspot feature on top of that.
7.{OPTIONAL – if you don’t want the Mobile Hotspot feature} Log into My Verizon and remove the Mobile Hotspot FEATURE from your account. Many people recommend waiting a few days (at a minimum) to remove the feature. The $29.99 unlimited data plan should remain on your account.
8.If they say they can’t add that feature to your plan, or that you must bundle your data + mobile hotspot service together as a single data plan, tell them thank you, hang up, and repeat the steps above.
It goes without saying that Verizon could always switch you back to a tiered plan.
Please don't forget to let us know how it works in the comments if you plan to give it a shot.


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