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How to make a homemade 360 controller wireless receiver for your PC.

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ps3 is bluetooth mate just buy a dongle and long as you get the drivers from the ps3 controllers will work


--- Quote from: MrPete1985 on February 04, 2012, 10:17:57 AM ---standard plug and play drivers, if you need special drivers the PS3 cannot use it

--- End quote ---

then it will not work.


Would you happen to know which of the pins I should solder to with a corona module? Here's a picture:

So here's a pic of mine.

Just an FYI guys, do not follow the first post, the RF module runs off a 3.3V source, that means you need to regulate the 5V usb rail.
Worst case scenario you can use two rectifier diodes in series, ie: 2x 1n4004. And that will at least be a hell of a lot safer than what is being done in the first post.

5V -----[ 1n4004 |]-----[ 1n4004 |]------ RF board V+ (pin 1 in diagram above)


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