hey guys so as of late i recently started a new semester in high school and one of my classes is wood shop ive been deciding on making some sort of modding bench/desk any ideas guys besides the ones i have posted below i've also thought of doing a cupboard like but when opened it had a plug in and a table inside to solder and stuff
(note i drew these concepts in google sketch up 8 for anyone wondering)

shelving unit or hiding shelving unit inside picture frame looking shadow box
my desk i really wanna make but for what i want i it i ont got quite the money atm for it

features soldering aluminium area with a shadow picture frame on the side that reveals shelving inside with a area on the other side for a hidden shelf as well as a cubby area and on top an area with a glass top that underneath has a led lighting
then i made this last year which featured a hidden drawer inside the border of the stand ill have to take a picture of the finish product